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"George we're gonna be late for herbology!" I whined as George was taking his time walking in the rain on the way to the greenhouses.

"I'm sure Professor Sprout will understand." He said as he stopped walking and turned to me.

"Last time you were late she threatened you with a mandrake" I stated flatly

"Ah but it was worth it, Malfoy's hair was stained pink for a week."

"So what're we doing, your pulling me into another prank again?"

"I would never, and I did take the blame for you didn't I?"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed onto his hand, trying to pull him towards the greenhouses.

"Is that really how hard you can pull me?" George asked annoyingly, not even showing the slightest strain, his eyes locked on our hands.

"George-" I started angrily, but was cutoff when his hand suddenly wriggled out my grasp. I stumbled backwards, landing directly into a large puddle of water. "George!"

"Oops," he responded, not attempting to feign remorse.

"Help me up you git," I said reaching my hand towards his.

"Only cause you asked so nicely," he responded reaching for my hand.

As soon as his hand was in reach, I grabbed his and pulled. I caught a glimpse of his surprised face before he came tumbling into the puddle next to me. With a splash he was now soaked more than he was before from just standing in the rain.

I forgot all about herbology as I laughed triumphantly at his disgruntled face. George's grimace soon turned into a face of joy when he saw me laughing. He quickly reached down into the puddle and splashed the water on to me.

"Hey!" I laughed before quickly retaliating.

We kept splashing eachother back and forth while laughing, our clothes both completely drenched now.

"I think we might be a bit late for herbology" i laughed as I pulled at my drench robes.

"Let's go get you dried off" he laughed and stood up, pulling me with him. He walked me up back to the castle. I noticed he hadn't let go of my hand, and I don't think I wanted him to.

(Here's where you pause and imagine george soaked from the rain. Okay, you done? Cool now you can keep reading.)

George led me into the gryffindor common room. He began to walk up to his dorm.

"Stay right here, I'll be right back."

I happily complied and sat down next to the fire letting it slowly dry my clothes. I couldn't tell if I was growing warm from the fire, or from contiually thinking about that cute ginger. Either way I could feel my face heating up.

I jumped when I felt a pile of clothes fall into my lap, looking up to see George. He had put on a dry shirt and sweatpants, but his hair was still wet.

"Go on up a change into these, hm?" He said as he gestured to the clothes he had tossed into my lap.

"You know I am going up to my dorm, where I have my own dry clothes, right?"

"I know, but I think you'll look better in these," he said smugly while throwing himself on a sofa near the fire.

I rolled my eyes but nevertheless went to my dorm to change into the clothes he brought me. It was a red and orange sweater with a G knitted onto it and a pair of plaid pants. I quickly pried off my clothes and dried off the best I could before slipping into the clothes I was offered.

Once I returned to the common room George was sprawled out on the couch while gazing into the fire with a sort of dazed look. I wondered for a moment what he could of been thinking of, before I thought of an idea. He still hadn't noticed I'd reentered the room. I snuck up behind the couch he was lounging on, and quickly vaulted over it landing perfectly on him.

I giggled at his face of shock, red with must've been embarrassment. I moved to get off him, but his arms held me in place.

"Hey, lemme go!" I said struggling to pry his hands off my waist.

"Nope I think you're mine now," George responded as he pulled me closer.

It was getting really warm in here now, the fire must be very hot. That and george's body temperature, that I could feel behind my back. My back was against his chest. His hot chest. I mean temperature wise. Right?

After a few more moments of struggling, I gave in to his grip. "I guess I can stay here for a bit" I huffed.

I settled into him and soon closed my eyes. The steady rise and fall from his chest against my back and the soothing crackling of the fire soon lulled me to sleep.

But just before I completely went into dream land, I heard someone whisper behind me, "I wish I could tell you how much you meant to me. I love you, y/n."

One Shots - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now