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Lee Jordan's voice rings out over the stadium, "Katie's got the quaffle, she passes it to Angelina, she goes for the goal. Potter's seemed to have spotted the snitch, y/n's got ahold of the quaffle, she passes it to the hoops, nope Oliver has blocked it, dropping onto Katie, katie's got the quaffle again. Cedric and Potter are neck in neck towards that snitch, the points are tied this is anyone's game. Cedric nearly gets hit with a bludger, getting harry in the lead for the snitch, ooh harry nearly knocked off from a bludger. Y/n's gotten the quaffle, she expertly dodged through the Gryffindor chasers, oh close call with a bludger. Oliver's getting lined up to block the quaffle, ooooh, that's gotta hurt. Cedric's got the snitch! and... why did no one slow her fall..."

"Time out!" Hooch screams through the field.

An eerie silence spreads through the stands at the quidditch players land, both teams stepping hesitantly towards your body.

"Y/n? Can you hear me? Focus on my voice just keep your eyes open, focus on the sound of my vo...," a shadowy figures say, kneeling next to you, before everything went black, just barely catching a glimpse of ginger hair.

You somewhat awake in a cold bed with thin sheets, you feel someone holding your hand to your right, slowly stroking it with their thumb. You slightly open your eyes and receive a pounding headache. You quickly shut your eyes and let out a groan.

"Y/n?" The figure to your rights says, "are you awake? Y/n?" With worry in their voice.

You slowly open your eyes tilt your head in the direction of the voice. Your vision was still quite blurry, all you could make out was someone tall. Maybe they had hair.

"...cedric?" You quietly mumble, having ruled out all the girl candidates due to the voice. Sometimes the captain accompanied players to the wing, or at least Cedric always did. He usually didn't stay long though, opting to get the person's friends.

"No," the person says calmly, "it's George."

"..George.....weasley?" You questioned hesitantly. Why on earth would George Weasley be visiting you in the hospital wing? Besides somewhat stalking him from afar, you'd never actually had a conversation with him.

"No, washington," he said with laughter, trying to hide the concern in his voice.

You attempt to prop yourself up to try to figure out why your secret crush was comforting you after an injury, only to have your left arm give out. You let out a quiet, painful, scream.

"Just lay back down, you had quite the fall."

"...what happened?"

He lets out a long sigh, "...i uh.. i hit you with a bludger, and uh, you fell about 15 metres off your broom. Pomphrey says you had a couple broken ribs from the bludger, and erm a broken arm from the fall. She's managed to fix most of it, you'll just be in pain for little while longer for an injury that bad."

You frown, that's why he was here, he felt guilty for hitting you with a ball of solid iron. "Well thanks for your pity, but I'm awake so you can go now."

"Er..what?" George said with a shocked expression.

"You can go back to your friends, i'm okay."

"I'll just stay until pomphrey comes back..... just in case."

You lay in silence trying to recall the Quidditch game, before realizing that George was still stroking your hand with his thumb.


"Yes?" He says quickly, looking nervous

"Why are you holding my hand..?" You say tentatively.

He pulls away quickly, running his hand through his hair, "oh, oops, i dunno, sorry."

"I didn't say i wanted you to stop," you giggle boldly.

His cheeks flush, "oh, okay," his hand returns to yours, continuing the thumb thing. "I'm really sorry i hit you, y/n," his says while staring into your eyes.

"It's okay," you say feeling awkward from the sudden eye contact, "it's part of the game."

"I just..." his eyes slightly teared up, "i just didn't mean to hurt you y/n."

"Well i'm okay now," you look up, smiling, "it was accident."

"...just thought i had lost you," he says seriously.

Your try to hide a confused expression, since when did George care so much? He was a beater with a strong arm, he landed people in the hospital wing pretty frequently.

"... you could've died... you were so close to it.."

"You seem more emotional than me, who apparently had a near death experience," you say trying to lighten the mood. "Aren't you friends with harry? He's basically died every year..."

"...it's different." He says, sniffling back tears.

"Why? We have never once talked?," you question getting more confused by the second.

"..yeah.. i would've never gotten the chance to talk to you.."

"Okay yeah but Harry's 14 and he's in this death threatening tourna-"

"I love you, y/n." He interrupts


"I've loved you since I first saw you on the Quidditch field, you were so beautiful..." he trails off, "of course i understand you don't feel the same, i jus-"

This time you interrupt him by pulling him by the collar with you good arm into your lips. You feel him smile into the kiss, before slowly pulling away.

"I love you, too, George," you smile softly, trying to ignore the immense pain and enjoy the moment.

"I'm so sorry i had to break three of your ribs to admit it..."

One Shots - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now