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"The yule ball is only a few days away and I still haven't got asked!"

"Why don't you ask someone?" Your friend, Lavender Brown suggests, "that's what I did with Seamus!"

"Cause it would be embarrassing!" You say exasperated

"Oh please, you're easily the prettiest person I know! Anyone would be lucky to go with you!"

"I'm just going to stay in my dorm"

"Y/n! No! Who am I going to dance with when Seamus inevitably explodes the punch!"

You laugh, "well if someone actually asked me i'll go, unless it's crabbe or someone then i might just jump off the astronomy tower."

Lavender giggles and mutters a 'that's fair' before diverging in the hallways on her way to muggle studies. You had divination next, which really you just took as a blow off class.

You enter the class and sit down next to your assigned partner, who was unfortunately Lee Jordan. Now there wasn't anything particularly wrong with him if he was alone, but his friends Fred and George were at the table right next to him. Which meant most of the class consisted of them loudly talking as I try to stifle a giggle towards professor Trelawney.

Lee, being late of course, wasn't there yet so you peacefully took a seat and brought out you parchment.

"What's wrong love?" A tall ginger leans down on the table next to you with a cocky smile

"Nothing George"

"Oh c'mon, you're all pouty today"

"Well you are mistaken"

"C'monn telll meee"

"I don't wanna"

Your relationship with George had entirely consisted of him pestering you during class, so this conversation was no where out of the ordinary. Whenever I was having a bad day he would throw a crumpled piece of parchment at my head with a horribly written "what's wrong?"

"Tell meee. What's got a pretty girl like you so down?"


"George stop hogging my partner," Lee pushed him away as he walks into class.

"Oh I was only pestering her!"

"Is that why she's all pouty now?" Lee asks dissaprovingly.

"No! I am appalled you would even think i would do such a thing!" George says fake-offended.

"Wouldn't be surprised" lee muttered as he sat down

"I'll have you know that was the reason i was pestering her!" George finally sat down with a huff, Fred sitting next to him failing to suppress a laugh.

Professor Trelawny finally spoke up with some ominous message and began an..... eccentric... lecture on reading tea leaves. As much as you tried to pay attention you couldn't help but notice George seemed to be constantly stealing glances at you, which was extremely distracting.


A crumpled up piece of parchment hit you square in the forehead and bounced down onto the table, you glared at George but he seemed to be paying attention to the lesson. Pretending to, anyways.

What's wrong beautiful?

You rolled your eyes at the barley legible handwriting, that guy sure can't take a hint. Maybe if you tell him he'll stop annoying you.... what's the worst that could happen?

You scrawled below his messaged

No one asked me to the yule ball

And crumpled it back up, hitting George right on the top of his head. Now he'll finally leave you alone.

One Shots - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now