~sixteen pt 2~

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( as requested by exactly 2 people :) )

"I wish I could tell you how much you meant to me. I love you, y/n." The voice was so quiet, distant, I must've dreamt it.

It could've been hours, seconds, days, since I had fallen asleep in George's embrace. I heard more distant talking around me, perhaps 2 voices?

"Well well well what do we have here?" One voice said


"Finally got the guts to spill your undying love, Georgie?"

"Hush, she might wake up. And no."

"No? Then what is this, an acquaintance cuddle?"

"Shut up Fred, i'll talk to you later when there's not a pretty girl in my arms."

I think there were more voices after that, but my subconscious took over yet again, still unsure if I had heard anything, or if it was just a vague dream..

When I finally woke up it took some time to register where i was. I wasn't in my dorm, nor in my pajamas, but instead in the Gryffindor common room bundled up in George's clothes that he gave to me. I slightly shifted in anticipation for getting up, but something was holding me down. George. I had fallen asleep to George spooning me. He was still spooning me. I froze for longer than necessary, attempting to take everything in. All I could see without turning my head was the fire slowly dying down. I didn't hear any voices, just the occasional scratch of a pencil or the turn of a book. I could see a small glimpse of a window out the the corner of my eye, it looked to be just before dinner. Never had a common room been this quiet before dinner.

I shifted again, turning my head back and slightly up to look at George, who I expected to be asleep. But he wasn't. He looked wide awake, I wondered how long he'd been awake. He smiled gently at me, "g'morning."

I sat up out of his grasp, fully looking out the window to confirm it wasn't morning. "Good afternoon" I replied quietly. He sat up next to me and we continued to sit on the couch while a look around, still very much disoriented.

The common room was filled with about as many people as usual, but no one was talking. Just occasionally eyeing the back of George's head nervously.

"George," I whispered, feeling too weird to talk at a normal volume, "why is everyone so quiet."

But before he had a chance to respond, his twin chimed in across the room, very much doing the opposite of whispering, "Finally she's awake! Okay I won't hex you anymore."

I stared at Fred with total bewilderment. This had been a wierd day. Even weirder than that day when it was discovered our professor was a deatheater using a polyjuice potion and the actual professor was naked and bald in a chest. Actually scratch that, that day was a lot weirder than this one. But my point still stands, this was wierd.

"Oh finally," one of George's friends, Lee said. As if being quiet was as painful as holding his breath.

"Anyone willing to catch me up to speed here?" I asked thoroughly confused.

"George and Fred said they'd hex us with unspeakable things if we woke you up," Lee blurted out while the common room slowly returned to its normal volume.

I looked at George with an eyebrow raised, why on earth would he go to such trouble to not wake me up in the middle of the afternoon.

People began to filter out of the common room loudly going to the great hall for dinner. But for some reason I'd rather stay here than stuff my face with a treacle tart.

I was still sitting on the couch when the last person, Fred, left the room with an exaggerated wink towards George. Well he wasn't the last person, seeing as my face still seemed to be uncomfortably warm in the presence of George sitting next to me.

"Soooo," I awkwardly started

"Sooooo," he continued, "guess we should talk about this." He shifted and began to fiddle with his hands, hunched over slightly.

"Did you really threaten to hex everyone or was that just Lee being Lee?" I asked, very aware of Lee's antics.

"Well technically Fred did, but yeah, it was, uh, my idea," he said quietly as a light red seemed to appear on his cheeks. It was getting quite warm in here, maybe we should put out the fire.

We sat in silence for a few moments, and although to an outside viewer it would seem like awkward silence, it was really more of a comfortable silence.

"I-" we both started at the same time, interrupting eachother in sync.

"You first," we said in sync yet again, I thought this only happened in the movies and wattpad books.

I stared into his eyes almost challengingly, silently pleading for him to go first. Because I had no idea how I was supposed to tell him what I wanted to tell him.

He sighed, "fine, i'll go first."

But then he didn't.
(This line is so funny to me for no reason ^)

(Oh probably becuase it's 2 am and everything is funny)

He stared into the fire for quite a while, collecting his thoughts maybe? Phsyching himself up? That was what I was doing anyway.

Finally after what felt like ages but was in reality about three minutes, he turned back to me and spoke.

"I love you, y/n," he said quietly but confidently.

I froze. I knew I liked him, that much was sure, but love? Did I love him? Had I been hopelessly in love with him all this time and been denying it? Were those vague conversations not dreams, afterall? He, he, loved me? Me. He. George.

He turned back away near the tailend of my mind rambling, looking a little dejected. No! I didn't want to break his heart. I'd rather die than break his heart. Heck, I'd rather make out with the dark lord than break his heart. I'd do anything to make him happy.

"I love you too, George," I blurted out without nearly enough thinking, but I knew it was the truth.

His eyes lit up and a huge grin spread across his face. He perked up immediately and looked at me intensely. He looked like he just won the wizard lottery. Which is a thing that exists.

"You have no idea how happy you just made me," he beamed.

I just smiled at him, before quickly embracing him. This felt right. My head fit perfectly into the crook of his shoulder. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

After a hug that lasted the perfect amount of time, I slowly pulled away. But only a couple inches. Our arms were still laced around eachother and our faces were only inches from touching. He had a dazed look on his face, and it was clear I was going to have to make the first move.

I leaned in closer and as soon as my lips touched his, he held me tighter and eagerly kissed me back. I could barely breathe and I couldn't tell if it was because the kiss left me breathless or it was because he was squeezing me so hard.

I reluctantly leaned back a few inches, desperately needing to catch my breath. He leaned his forehead against mine and gazed dreamily into my eyes.

"You mean so much to me, Y/n, more than you could know."

(This was a bit rambly but thats because I really should go to sleep and I also have to pee. Thanks for reading, love you all, muah)

(Oh i didn't proof read this very sorry but only like half a braincell is awake right now and yet i'm probably going to stay up for another hour for no goddamn reason)

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