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I wandered out of the Great Hall alone, eager to get back to the comfort of my dorm. Of course I loved hanging out with my friends, but nothing beats cuddled up in my bed with a good book.

Oh no, I thought as I spotted George a few meters away. Hopefully he hadn't spotted me yet, being pestered by him was the last thing I wanted right now. Annoyingly, he spotted me right away and walked right over, stopping in front to block my path.

"Well if it isn't my 6th favorite weasley," I groaned as I looking up at him in annoyance.

"Last week you said I was your seventh," he cocked his brow at me with an annoying smirk plastered on his face.

I rolled my eyes, "well I hadn't encountered Percy last week"

"So you like me better than Percy," George smirked

"Don't get too full of yourself, I like Filch more than percy."

"Ah so i'm also ahead of filch" he said arrogantly. I looked around trying to find the best escape route so I wouldn't have to deal with this. I made a move to the right, but George quickly moved to block my path again. "Why are we so eager to leave, hm?"

"Because I'd rather be able to see thestrals than talk to you right now."

"Ouch. Bit harsh don't you think?"

"George, you're the human equivalent of the cruciatus curse no creative insult i can muster would be harsh enough."

"Well now your just hurting my feelings on purpose." He responded playfully, appearing to be not wounded at all by my insults.

The rest of the Great Hall emptied out, and I was able to maneuver through the crowd to attempt to get some peace and quiet. Speedwalking towards my dorm, I turned my head for a second and saw George on the other side of the crowd. Surely if I ran ahead he would spot me, but if I walked slowly if would also. Thinking quickly, I swung open a wardrobe that lined the hall and pushed myself inside it. Perhaps if I stayed in here for the rest of my life I could avoid everyone.

I pulled out my book that I was planning to read and whispered Lumos, pointing my wand towards the pages. However cramped and dark, it was actually quite comforting in this wardrobe. Perhaps I could stay a bit and read.

I barely even get past the first line before the wardrobe door opened. And none other than the annoyingly handsome face of George Weasley stepped in.

Wait. Did I just call George handsome in my head? That isn't good. It was just a slip up. Can you have a slip up in your own thoughts?

I sighed angrily, "Why are you here."

"Thought you could use some company," he said while he was comfortably close to me. Wait. No i meant uncomfortably close to me. I don't like him this close to me, close enough to see the sparkle of mischief in his eye.

"Well i'm plenty company for myself so you can go on now."

He paused and looked at me for a moment, "No I don't think I will."

*insert that captain america meme"

I rolled my eyes, though it was fruitless as I know he couldn't see them in the dark. My wand light barely illuminated my book, much less up to my face.

"What are you reading?" He asked and tried to lean over to see the pages.  He was even closer now, oh no why does he smell good. Oh what I would give for the dark lord to burst in this wardrobe and kill me now.

"A book." I answered flatly and attempted to go back to reading.

He lifted the book up slightly in my hands to read the cover, his fingertips brushing over my hands. Did this man use lotion? Why were they so soft! I tried my best to not imagine what it would feel like to have his fingers play in my hair.

"Romeo and Juliet?" He asked rhetorically.

"No i'm reading 101 ways to kill a ginger."

"Well you obviously haven't read very far, you still don't even know my weakness."

I looked up at him, "oh really, and what would that be?" I said sarcastically

"You're going to have to find that one out yourself."

"Can't wait," I muttered as my eyes returned back to my book.

He thankfully stopped talking for about a minute as I was able to get through a page without interruptions, but I felt his gaze on me the entire time. I lifted my head up in annoyance to tell him to stop looking at me, but he spoke before I was able to.

"My only love sprung from my only hate. Too early seen unknown, and known too late!" George spoke quietly.

"You know how to read!" I gasped in bewilderment. Of course I knew he was literate, but to read Shakespeare? Or even any books for that matter, who was this person?

"You though I was illiterate all this time?" He gasped playfully.

"Well excuse me for not assuming you could quote Shakespeare from memory."

"I am a man of many surprises." George responded with an air of arrogance.

"So you would know what it meant if I said I wished you could pull a Mercutio."

"I do, however I would much rather pull a Romeo."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "but he also dies in the play."

"But he dies next to the one he loves."

"Which was stupid, if he only would've waited a few minutes it would have been fine."

"Maybe he got tired of waiting..."

"Or if they had only communicated-"

"Sometimes communicating is hard," he interrupted.

"Since when did you become such an advocate for Romeo?"

"Since I felt as though I'm in his shoes." George responded.

George... feels like Romeo? So, that meant someone must've been his Juliet. George.. liked someone? Deep down for some unknown reason I wanted to be Juliet. What was wrong with me, did I need to be checked in to St. Mungoes? Why does be spend all his time pestering me and not talking to whoever his Juliet is.

"Georgie.. I'm very confused right now," I said truthfully.

"And why's that?" He asked softly.

"I think I'm Rosaline in this scenario.." I said quietly, so quietly I wouldn't be surprised if he couldn't hear me, even though he was mere inches from my face. When did he get so close. Who was his Juliet, and why did I wish it were me.

"Why would you think that," He paused for a few moments, studying my face, "Juliet."

My eyes lit up with... joy? His face was growing closer, or maybe mine was going closer to his. After what seemed like eons, I pressed forward and he captured my lips in his. I no longer knew of the dark wardrobe I was stuffed in, only of George's soft lips and his hands holding me as if I was made of glass. Holding me so delicately as if he pressed too hard I could melt away. I slowly pulled away and he pushed his forehead to mine, calmly studying eachother's faces in the dim light of my wand that I was somehow still grasping on to.

"Does this mean I have to stab myself?" I asked quietly with a smile. A genuine smile. George had made me genuinely smile and for once I didn't wish death upon him.

"Only if I get to poison myself, first."

(Yes this was cheesy and the rosaline comparison doesn't quite fit but I had fun writing this :) hope you enjoyed <3 )

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