chapter 24- ghosts of my past

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Yesterday, i found that Paris was very much beautiful again. Today, I woke up happier than I've been in a while. I have my freddie here with me now.

I laid in my bed tucked under my lover as I admired him. His light brown freckles created consolations across his nose while his fire-red hair draped down his face. He was mesmerizing in every way. I ran my slightly chilled fingers through his hair as he stirred in he sleep. After sleeping in the same bed as Fred for so long I've come to notice that was a sign of him waking up.

My heart raced as his eyes fluttered open looking up at me. They were a color of beautiful brown pools of honey glistening off the sun perfectly. I could get lost in his gaze for days, they pulled me in and hugged me in the warmth of his soul. It was easily one of the most exhilarating feelings being lost in him, even if it was just for a minuet.

Aeipathy, the only word I could possibly muster up when describing my love for fred, A consuming passion.


"sickle for your thoughts love?" I looked to my lover who seemed completely entranced in her thoughts, she seemed to snap back to reality at my words.

"Sorry freddie, i was just thinking of us." She responded with a bright smile. That same bright smile that id fallen so madly in love with.

"All good things I hope?"

She smiled at me again and hugged me tightly. "Of course my love."

I leaned down to kiss the top of her nose before completely engulfing her in a hug. I wrapped myself protectively around her beautiful body wishing I could be closer to her than I already was. I left a trail of light kisses down her neck making her giggle lightly. It was the most intoxicating sound, everything about her was beautiful, her laugh her voice, her soul, her body. I was addicted and it was the most blissful feeling to love someone so pure.

We decided to go down stairs to join everyone else in the kitchen for breakfast.

"There they are, finally!" Ron shouted as he devoured his food.

"Funny ronald." I said rolling my eyes playfully at my brother.

I sat down towards the End of the table saving a place for torie as she made us coffee. Just then Bill got up from his seat on the opposite side and walked to the other side of the kitchen where torie had been standing.

"Goodmorning gorgeous." He said winking at torie. Angered, i jumped up from my seat and walked over to them.

"Dont start bill." I sneered through gritted teeth gesturing for him to go back to the table.

Bill smirked mischievously at me "Freddie, come on now. What's the harm in sharing?" He mocked.

I clenched my fist as my brother spoke. I would have hit him right then if it wasn't for the fact I was at Tories house and not my own. In respect of her and her family I let it go.

"Just ignore him baby." I said wrapping my arms tightly around Tories waist as she finished making our coffee.

"Here ya go love."

"Thank you angel." I replied leaning down and kissing her. Her lips felt of the softest silk.


We finished eating and decided we were going to spend the day in town shopping and sight seeing.

I threw on my usual trousers and black t-shirt. Torie was still in her closet getting ready so I decided to wonder around her room. She had the cutest pictures of her as a child sitting around.

I Love You Endlessly; Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now