chapter 25- our last days

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~warning- mentions of panic attacks~

**time skip to 12:30 that night**

I woke up suddenly to loud arguing coming from the kitchen. I slowly slid myself out from under Fred's arms trying desperately not to wake him.

I slid out of the bed quickly. The hard floors were cold and creaking, I slipped on one of Fred's quidditch shirts he'd given me and walked down the long hallway. The house was dark and quiet as everyone had gone to sleep a while ago.

Once down the stairs I came in view with the glowing light from the crack in the kitchen door. I heard a mysterious voice speak

"You know the deal she made, honor it or find me someone else!" The voice demanded loudly.

I stepped closer to the door to get a better look at the strange man but jumped back slightly when the floor creaked underneath me once again.

My father emerged from the door, his face relaxed slightly when he saw me. From behind him I saw a man in a dark cloak who then dissappear in a cloud of black smoke.

I looked back at my dad, his face had fallen pale.

"Dad? What's going on?" I whispered being mindful of everyone else in the house.

"Sweetheart.." my dad said pulling me into a tight hug. "Come, sit. I think we should talk."

My stomach turned as I slowly walked over to the barstool in the kitchen. I sat down watching as my dad poured two cups of tea then sat one down in front of me. Hardly ever was my dad so serious about something, I knew immediately whatever he needed to say wasn't going to be good.

He cleared his throat as he leaned against the counter across from me. "I know the past year has been confusing and im sure you have so many questions."

"Father, whatever it is just please tell me."

He breathed in sharply before speaking again. "Your mother, when she was younger, before she even had abby, she got involved with some bad people. To get herself out of this trouble sh- she." He paused for a moment unable to get the words out.

"Dad please." I said placing my hand on his hand for him to continue. I watched as the light glistened of the tear that was now streaming down his cheek. It hurt me to see him so upset. I loved my parents both dearly but I was always closer with my dad. He was my best friend, so it really bothered me when he wasn't okay.

He patted my hand warmly then continued. "She promised on her children's sixteenth birthday they would— they would work with the death eaters. We told everyone that other wizards in our family choose that path to protect your mothers secret, but it was all a lie. Abby came to collect you on your birthday but you chose otherwise. Sweetheart I am so proud of you for standing up for what you wanted." He paused for a moment to collect himself again. So instead I spoke.

"Then whats the problem dad."

"Sweetheart, your mother didn't honor her deal, so now you either need to go to them or, or we need to find someone to take your place. You have cousins on your moms side who are willing to step in. But if they are denied by the dark lords army, they will begin to hurt the people you love until you give in."

My breath hitched as I found myself struggling to breathe.

"So you brought them here! Where everyone i love is sitting under one roof!" I yelled as I felt hot tears running down my face.

"Im going to get you out of this katerina I promise." He said gripping my hand tighter. I pulled it away abruptly.

"And where is mom in all this! This is her mess, SHE needs to fix it."

I Love You Endlessly; Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now