chapter 1: beginning of us

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Today was the day. I woke up from the bright morning sun beaming its warm rays in through my bay window in our London mansion. I sat up and took in a long deep breath before walking to my window and sitting on its edge. I look down at my packed trunks and grabbed my Hogwarts letter. Luckily, since my parents taught me so much they were letting me enter with the third years. I was so excited, my stomach filled with butterflies as my mother called me down for breakfast.

"Torie hurry down for breakfast before your late. Its a big day ya know" she exclaimed. You could hear the excitement in her voice.

"Coming mother" i yelled as I looked myself in the mirror before heading downstairs. My long black hair was pinned back and my blue eyes shined with excitement. I was wearing my favorite pair of black shorts with my white flats and a white t-shirt.
"As good as its going to get for now. Ill change into my robes when I get on the train." I whispered to myself as I wave my wand at my things to get them to the car.

I turned around to take one last look at my room hoping I'd find some friends to get into trouble, and laugh with. I walked out and closed the door behind me and headed down the stairs.

Finally, I joined my younger sister and brother downstairs for breakfast.

"Ooo look at Torie all grown up heading off to school" My brother joked. Mike wasn't happy I was going to Hogwarts, Or as my mother would say, hes jealous he doesn't get to go. My parents think its better to keep Mike and rylie at home with them for now. My siblings were still a few years younger than me.

I felt bad for them, rylie was 12 and Mike 9. I was just able to convince my parents to let me go being that I was turning 16 soon. My parents were still concerned about me going off on my own, but they too went to Hogwarts when they were younger and know its a wonderful place.

Just then, my father walked through the door and smiled at me as he walked over to kiss my mother on the forehead.

"Torie, are you almost ready? We should be leaving for the train station soon." I could tell my father was a little sad to see me go, but they trusted I would be ok.

I stood up and hugged my siblings before walking over to my mother. She kissed me on the cheek as tears started to form in her eyes. My mother had beautiful blue eyes just as I did. It made me sad to see them tear up, but I knew she would be ok. Besides its not like I was going to be gone forever.


Almost twenty minuets later we arrived at kings cross station where I would catch the Hogwarts express. The butterflies in my stomach grew as my father loaded my trunks and my owl milo onto a cart. My father had to put a spell on my trunks to make them bigger and lighter to fit all my stuff.

As we walked in I heard a family yelling

"Alright fred, george your first hurry along you dont want to be late" yelled a short woman with bright red hair.

"Im not Fred he is! Honestly woman you call yourself our mother" A pair of twins burst out. I stopped and stared as they ran between the brick wall entering platform 9 3/4. Following after a few more red haired siblings ran through to the platform. After they all made it through I followed shortly after with my father who now was starting to cry.

"I'll be alright dad, I promise. And ill write to you and mom all the time, you dont have to worry I can take care of myself." I reassured my dad as I knew he was having a hard time letting me go.

"I know you'll be ok, I'll just miss you alot." He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead. "Off you go now. Be safe. I love you Torie"

I nodded at my dad and walked onto the train as one of the train station workers loaded up my things into my compartment. I sat down with a sigh of relief as settled into the seat. I quickly glance over as a hear a newly familiar voice.

"Hello love, do you mind if we sit?" Asked the extremely gorgeous boy with vibrant red hair from the platform.

"No I dont mind, come in" I said. The boy smiled at me and behind him came two other boys. The one clearly was his twin. They were alike but not so alike you couldn't tell them apart. Just after another boy cam from behind him. They walked in and got their things settled. The cute one sat beside me as the other two took the seat across from us.

"Hi, my name is Fred Weasley. That is my twin brother George and our friend lee. And you are?" He looked at me and I felt my heart leap from my chest. He was gorgeous, and his smile was extremely contagious.

"My name is Katerina-elzabeth welling" i said looking at him smiling at me. As I spoke I could feel myself starting to blush.

"Woah, is Katerina-elizabeth just your first name?" George giggled

"Hah. Yeah. My parents told me it was because they couldn't decide between the two. You can call me Torie thought. I cant remember the last time someone actually called me by my whole name." I explained to them, when I looked over i saw Fred was still smiling when I talked. There was alot of conversation and getting to know eachother. I could tell that we would be very close.

I looked over at Fred who seemingly moved a little closer, or I did. Im not sure. Either way he was closer and I didn't mind it. I looked up him and asked "so what year are you guys, im entering my third year."

Freds face seemed to light up as he explained that him and George were also in their third year.

"So, how come I haven't seen you around. I would have remembered a face as beautiful as yours." Fred asked

I got butterflies again at the sight of his excitement. I felt myself starting to blush, so I looked out the window.

"My parents home schooled me for the first two years, my father used to be a professor. So they are letting me in on my third year."

Fred continues "well im glad ill be seeing you around more" he shot me a wink.

As we were getting close to the castle, I got up to throw my robes on over top of my cloths. The boys did the same.


Finally, we arrived at the castle. We entered the doors and were lead into the great hall where professor McGonagall explained the sorting hat ceremony. While she called out names i scanned the room trying to find Fred and George. I couldn't see them when all of the sudden I heard my name.

"Katherina-elizebeth welling" she called. I slowly walked up feeling my hands shake as I sat on the stool. She placed the old hat on my head. I jumped a little as it started to talk.

"Ah yes, charming I see, and brave" the hat yelled out. "Yes! I know exactly where to place you... GRYFFINDOR!!!" I was happy. Hufflepuff, ravenclaw and slytherin wernt bad but I secretly wanted to be housed in gryffendor with Fred, and I was.

I jumped up and everyone at the table in front of me cheered. Suddenly I saw Fred waving me over to him. I ran over excited as ever and sat next time him. Shortly after, the ceremony ended and everyone was introducing themselves. Next to me sat a group of second years. Harry, Ron, and Hermione, next to Hermione was a small red head Ginny, Fred and George's sister. Ron was also a Weasley. As the night went on we ate and laughed.

"So Torie" said Ginny, "Im hoping they room us together. It would be nice to have a girl I get along with around for once" she said as she let out a laugh

"Yeah me too. That would be so awesome."


Dinner was over and we headed back to the gryffendor common room. Fred and George followed behind talking about all the pranks they were excited to pull this year. I giggled hoping I'd be able to join them, and they heard.

"What do you not approve" fred teased me.

" you have no idea what your in for fred weasley" i looked back and gave him a mischievous look. That seemed to excite him, he got a big smile on his face.

We entered the common room and talked for a while until heading up the stairs. Ginny and I are sharing a room. We unpacked our stuff and across the room from us was Fred, Lee, and George's room. I coukd tell this is going to be a great year.

I Love You Endlessly; Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now