chapter 26- leaving

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Torie sat crying on the bottom steps staring at the door waiting for her lover to return. Everyone was awake now going on with their day. She had explained everything to jillian who had informed everyone else on what happened.

The Weasleys wernt worried so much about fred knowing he knew how to handle himself, instead they were more concerned with torie. Throughout the three hours everyone had been awake someone was always checking on her, including her mother who she ignored hastily.

Tories heart was broken but she knew it wasn't freds fault. Instead it was hers, and her mothers. Well mostly her mothers. She sat wishing more than anything that she could go back to that night before she told him, but she knew she couldnt.

She sat still all morning watching as the world moved in slow motion around her. Then suddenly she jumped from her spot on the steps and ran to her room. She swung the door open ranning into her closet.

Inside sat a small fountain with bottles of different black liquids. She then grabbed her wand off the nightstand next to her bed. Walking over to the fountain again she held her wand to her temple and muttered "pensieve" slowly a similar black liquid came from her head as she placed it into a empty tube then labeled it. Shortly after she continued to repeat the process. After all the tubes were filled, she dumped It into the fountain then dipped her head below the water.

She watched as old memories of fred played out in front of her. The day they first met, when they were young children, when he asked her out, when she got her ring and so on.

The hardest ones of all, she had pulled memories of the last time he kissed her happily and the last time he muttered the words "I love you"

She pulled her head out of the water placing the black liquid back into the jar and cried as she placed it right in the front of her collection.

She then ran back down the steps and sat in the same spot she'd been in before. Holding her legs close to her chest resting her head on the railing she sat numb keeping her eyes fixed on the door. After while she had fallen asleep sitting on the steps, she didn't even notice when fred had come back.


I took a sharp deep breath in as I stood on the steps of the house. Quietly I walked in trying not to draw attention to myself. I'd been gone for almost five hours now but I ran out of places to walk. Once stepping through the door my eyes fell on torie asleep sitting on the steps, then to George who sat in front of her. I walked over to George placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I cant take it from here mate" I whispered trying not to wake her.

George quickly jumped to his feet and pulled me aside.

"Whats wrong with you." He whispered loudly getting in my face.

"Back off mate."

"No!" He said pushing my shoulders causing me to stumble backwards. "You walked out on her when she needed you. I get it your mad you don't wanna lose her, but she needed you and you left. I had to hold her broken on the floor. I had to carry her to her room so jillian could help her get dressed. And i had to carry her back downstairs so she could sit there and wait for you because she was too numb to do it herself."

"Shes going to leave me George, i cant handle that."

"And you think she can?! She's not leaving you forever, just until all this is over. She won't be able to live with herself if you die, fred. Grow up, the love of your life needs you, dont let her slip away." George stormed off into the kitchen as I stood still staring at torie asleep on the stairs.

I Love You Endlessly; Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now