chapter 5- dear lover

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I walked up to my dimly lit dorm and laid down on my soft bed. I was getting really tired so laying down felt nice. George and Lee were already asleep and torie had just gone to bed too. I sat up and went over how great today was in my head.

**freds reflection on today**

I was in a brilliantly good mood today. George and I were going to hogsmead to get more prank stuff and I would get to see torie again as always. I walked down stairs after getting ready and saw torie sitting there alone. I said good morning and went to sit next to her, she smelt delightful and her smile was welcoming and innocent today. We talked for a while and that had already completely made my day.

Later in the great hall during breakfast I asked her if she wanted to come to hogsmead with George and I. I told her we were leaving after dinner. I was happy when she said yes, ive secretly been missing her.

We walked through the open lawn in the outer Bailey on our way to potions. The sun was very bright today. We got to class and sat for a while before I heard torie and ginny talking, i tried to listen in on what they were saying, But I couldn't hear anything. After the conversation torie seemed a little upset. The rest of our classes today she didn't seem to wanna talk and that was very unusual being she would talk and joke with me all day. After my last class I saw ginny in the hall.

"Hey gin, whats wrong with torie"

Ginny looked at me "shes fine she will tell you when she's ready." She walked away.

This confused me even more. I walked to the common room to find her, it was always such a charming room. Id wondered if thats why she was always spent her free periods in here, its very home-like and warm. I walked in and just as I'd thought, she was sitting on the couch in my black hoodie I gave her. She always looked so cute in it.

"Hey whats wrong love" I said walking over to her. I put my hand on her knee.

"Im alright, I just cant stop thinking about what ginny said thats all." she replied smiling at me.

"You dont have to tell me, but im here for you, your my best fried." I kissed her on her forehead and she gave me a weak smile.

I hope it didn't upset her when I said she was my best friend. I mean she is my best friend but I love her. I just didn't know how to tell her yet. The way she makes me feel, how my stomach fills with butterflies and my heart races a million miles an hour when I see her, I cant lose that.

I grabbed her hand as she stood up carefully and walked with her down to the great hall for dinner. We ate and talked for a while before heading to hogsmead.

Once we got out of the castle the moon immediately lit up the dark night sky. She looked so beautiful in the moon light, it was breathtaking really.

We got to hogsmead and walked past honeydukes, once i got a smell of that sweet chocolate i knew what i had to do. I walked in while torie stood at the door. I looked around a pondered a moment about what to get her. I was hoping this would cheer her up and by the look on her face, it worked. I gave her a hug when I handed her the bag. We then headed down the street to hogs head for butterbeer. It was another one of her favorite things and I was destined to make her happy. Im gonna tell her soon, tell her I love her.

George yelled for us to look at the brooms in the broom shop with him. I walked over as torie followed shortly behind. I peered into the window to see a sleek black broom with silver feet stands. As I admired the broom, I heard a bang. Then suddenly a soft shreek.

"Torie!" I said almost running back over to her.

"What the bloddy hell happened" George said following shortly after.

I Love You Endlessly; Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now