chapter 22- paris (tories pov)

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Today was no different from the rest. I sat in my window staring out into the beautiful city of Paris. Sadly, instead of enjoying every minute of it I resented it. Being in the city when your sad was like being in the mountains when all it does is rain. Its suffocating and dull. How could you be in the city of love when all you feel is emptiness.

Its been almost a month and a half since I've seen or even talked to fred. My parents decided it was a bad idea to owl him being that we were hiding out. The Weasleys were the only ones not in Paris yet. Harry and Serious had already been here when we arrived. They left the day before my family did, being that the dark lord was mainly after harry. Of course, I dont blame Harry though, im just tired of having my life twisted around just because my family is involved with all this. My mom says they are only going after family's of the order to find out where Harry is, if my parents would just leave or even pretend to leave the order I could live a normal life.

Its obnoxious that I have to up root my life because my family is part of a "secret army" to defend everyone from death eaters. I know it sounds selfish but I was just recently aloud to have a life and now my parents are trying to take it away all over again.

Dont get me wrong, Im proud of everything they are doing to protect people but I just want to live my life. I hate being scared of losing people I love, I hate running away all the time. Its tiring, all of it. Its hard enough having to go through teen, and school drama let alone all this.

Most of the days of being here I sat watching all the happy muggles pass my window dancing around with their lovers or take pictures of the glowing city. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to dissappear from magic, to be a normal muggle. But then I remember all my friends and my boyfriend and without magic I would have never known them.

Just then there was a small knock on the door that pulled me out of my tragic thoughts. "Come in" I yelled half convincingly.

Rylie and jillian walked into my room with a look of excitement. If there was one thing I could count on while being trapped in this house, it was my sister and my cousin. Every day they'd come in to check on me and gossip about things going on outside.

"You guys look like you actually have something interesting to tell me." I smirked at them as they closed the door behind them.

"Okay, you didn't hear this from us but mom and dad were saying Mrs Weasley owled them, they said they will be here in a few days." Rylie said in a hushed voice.

I jumped up from my seat on the window and danced rylie and jill around my room. "No way! Are you serious!!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Shh! Not so loud, were not supposed to know yet!" Jillian added.

I nodded my head quickly and jumped back onto my bed pulling them down with me.

"When are they coming?" I asked hopefully.

"In the next few days I think." Jillian added.

"Now you can get out of you bitter mood." Rylie mumbled.

I hit her playfully but hard on the arm. "Dont act like that I haven't been bitter." I spat.

"Yes you have." The both of them said laughing in unison.

"You've been glaring at the happy muggles from your window for weeks, you've been critical twards mom and dad since we got here and you hardly talk to anyone other than jill and I. I bet you haven't even spoken to Harry this whole time." Rylie spoke to me in a judging tone, but honestly she was right. I had been bitter to everyone in the house since we arrived. I hardly even left my room to eat meals with everyone.

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