chapter 30- marry you?

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** warning intimate moments and strong language**

☆☆ for this next part play the song falling like the stars☆☆

"I want you to marry me." I sat on my bed naked with Fred's words running through my head. His warm hands wrapped around me bring me back to reality. I looked into his eyes searching his face.

"Marry you?" I asked innocently.

"Yes, well not right not. Obviously we will wait until after we graduate but yes katerina I want you to marry me."

"I- yes!" I yelled jumping onto him and kissing him. "Wait" I continued. "Are you saying this because we just fucked?"

He laughed at my statement and kissed me. "No. The sex was amazing but I've been thinking about this since we decided to take a break." Fred stood up off the bed and walked over to a small bag and pulled out a tiny red velvet box. He walked over to me and got down on his knee before pulling out a ring.

"Katerina Elizabeth Welling will you marry me after we graduate?" Fred said.

I looked down at my very naked boyfriend and started to cry. "Yes I will" I said as he slipped the ring onto my ring finger.

"I want you to wear both of your rings. Don't take them off love." Fred said as he stood up and kissed me again. Fred brought his hands up to my face as he kissed me deeply. As he pulled back I saw the red stone we both had glowing. I then looked down to my necklace which was also glowing.

Fred then gently grabbed my necklace and then held his wrist up to it. "See, forever!" He said before kissing my forehead. I laughed as he picked me up and carried me out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I laughed as he made his way down the hallway.

"To the shower to celebrate with round two." He said as I felt his dick become hard under me.


Sleepily I turned over to look at the clock which read 12:13pm. I turned back over and curled up into freds chest and listened to his breathing.

My new ring glistened off the sunlight reminding me of last night. After fred had proposed we went for round two in the shower which eventually turned into round three in the bedroom. My legs would definitely be hurting today to say the least.

A short while after id woken up so did Fred.

"Goodmorning love." He said grabbing my hand and kissing it where my ring sat on my finger.

"Goodmorning." I replied as he pulled me close to him.

"How are you feeling. I went kinda hard last night." He laughed as he ran his hands over my hips.

"Im not sure yet I haven't tried to get up." I said laughing.

He stood up from the bed and walked into my closet grabbing out my long sleeved short red silk robe and a pair of black laced panties for me and grabbed a pair of his boxers and black sweatpants.

He brought the cloths out and got himself dressed before walking to my side of the bed and slipping my panties on me then helping me get my robe on. Still sitting on the edge of the bed I pulled my long black hair up as Fred stood directly in front of me.

"Dont tease love, you were dangerously close and you wouldn't be able to handle it if I got turned on right now." He said grinning down at me kissing my head.

He grabbed my hands to steady me as he helped me walk downstairs. Once we got to the kitchen he sat me on a stool in front of the island while he cooked breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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