Chapter 13

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TW: This chapter contains mentions of eating disorders, blood, self harm, homophobia and attempted sewerslide(If you don't know what that is read the two words slowly and carefully, what does it sound like? Still can't get it? It's when you try to commit non-alive)

There will be a warning as to where it happens and where it ends so you are able to skip it.
That's all
~Kiri/Le Author 

YUSSS Surprisingly I'm alive- now lets get into this before I have a bunch of people with pitch forks at my front gate TvT

Denki was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement, a very amused Sero watching him with a grin; they had gone through with their plans of asking out Shinsou(With their friends tagging along-) but Shinsou decided he would rather go to an arcade as to thank Sero for giving up an afternoon their when they talked, and it seemed like more of a place the Bakusquad would enjoy together. With that said the day had rolled around and Denki was trying to get his boots on but was a little too giddy so Sero had to help him. "You excited, Sero?" The tape boi chuckled softly, "Yes but obviously not as excited as you, I can practically see the hearts in your eyes" Denki smirked a little in response, "Maybe because you're in front of me?" This made Sero's cheeks go a bright red but he shook his head with no comment and helped the giggling Kaminari to his feet, "Lets go dork" They shared a small kiss before making their way out the dorms and meeting with their friends at the gate.

"Hey guyysss!" Mina cheered as she saw them walk out, fingers intwertwined, "Hey Guys!" Denki beamed, Sero smiling in response. "So didn't you say Shinsou was coming?" Kirishima asked. Sero nodded, "Yeah well-" "Hot..." He turned to see Denki staring off intot he distance, mouth slightly ajar and face blazing red. Sero raised an eyebrow and followed Denki's gaze, his reaction matching Denki's in an instant.

 Sero raised an eyebrow and followed Denki's gaze, his reaction matching Denki's in an instant

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    (Just gonna say it- not my art. My ass could never TvT Also he isn't actually holding a cat-)
"Hello? Heyyyy? Guys snap out of it!" Denki and Sero blinked, coming back to reality as Mina snapped her fingers in front of their faces, the squad and Shinsou eyeing the two confused, "Right! Let's go" Denki smiled dragging Sero along, the others following without question.

Once they got in, they got their arm bands to show they were 16(Denki is 15 in this but they decided to give him a 16 one because he was with a bunch of 16 year olds and he was close enough =v=) and walked in, Bakugou instantly being dragged away by Kiri who's eyes were fixated on some sort of combat thing. Shinsou looked around, visibly out of his element but he wasn't going to complain. "So. What do we do here?" Denki and Sero looked at each other and smirked before each grabbed a hold of one of Shinsou's arms and they brought him to a giant wheel of luck. "Seriously?" Shinsou asked making the two nod, "We try this first Everytime but we've never been able to get the grand prize because it's impossible," (Me and my bro at our favourite arcade, that wheel is fucking impossible Istg TvT) Shinsou clicked his toungue and looked at it,  the light moved so fast it was almost unseen, but he kept his eyes on it but before he long he pushed the button and won, Denki and Sero were in shock, golden tickets shooting out at their feet, "Is there anything you two want?" Denki shook his head, "You can have the-" Shinsou cut him off, grabbing Denki's chin and turning it to a Pikachu plushie, "Yes! I want it please!" Shinsou nodded and he also got Sero a little spider cause he felt it fit. What he didn't expect was Denki and Sero's arms wrapping around him in a hug, "Thank you!" They beamed in unison making Shinsou go red up to his ears, "D-Don't mention it."

They nodded and let go, "How about you pick what we do next Shin?" Shinsou nodded and looked around, "How about that" He pointed a a VR simulator station, "Ooh sounds fun!" Sero hummed, "I'll join you guys in a sec." He handed Denki his spider and walked into the bathroom.  

⚠️⚠️Warning, the triggers mentioned earlier⚠️⚠️
Sero walked in, a pleasured expression on his face from being with two of the most amazing people ever, not noticing until he bumped into someone, "Oh sorry-" He looked up, his face instantly going pale, "Kaichi-?" The brunette looked down and smirked, "Oh Hanta? Fancy running into you~" Sero frowned, "Don't call me that." A cold laugh escaped the taller male's lips as he glared down at Sero, "Whatcha gonna do? Try to kill yourself again? I'm sure you can get the tape secure around your neck this time. Just like in middle school~" Sero swallowed the lump in his throat, several unpleasant memories making their way back to the surface, "Awe, speechless? Just like you were when your own "best friend" revealed your wrists to the whole class? Pathetic really."

Sero's eyes glossed over, but he refused to cry, he was stronger than this, he knew he was, "I-I'm not like that anymore." "Huh, have you gained weight, guess you couldn't hold onto throwing everything that entered your body up." Sero flinched, hugging his body, he didn't know why but these words still hurt, he knew he looked fine, he knew his body was okay the way it was, he knew it all. So why did it hurt so badly?! Kaichi chuckled pushing Sero out his way making the black haired boy hit his face into the hand dryer thing, a red stream of blood made its way down his face (Sero protection squad anyone? We're taking new members)
Sero couldn't take it, hot tears flowed from his eyes as he choked out a cry of pain, "So you going to UA now? What are you? In the support course, I'm sure they could really use your tape when they run out of office supplies." "Actually he's in the hero course." Sero recognized the voice, Denki. He didn't turn around though, scared of him seeing the blood and tears which stained his face. "Hero course? As in 1A? Ha. As if." Denki growled, "How about you get away from my boyfriend before someone gets hurt"

Kaichi was obviously amused by this, "Gay too? Wow Hanta, you really are the whole loser package." Sero didn't respond, trying to hold back his sobs as he kept his back turned to them both, he didn't want them to know he was crying. "Guys where are you-? Who the fuck are you" Shinsou too? Great. Kaichi was visibly a little intimidated by Shinsou but kept up as a front as he looked up to meet the cold, dead, purple eyes. "Kaichi Tora. What's it to you." Shinsou merely smirked as Kaichi's eyes went dead, "Get out." Slowly but surely the male walked out the room. Denki walked over and wrapped his arm around Sero from behind, "Babe?" Sero hesitantly turned, his face now visible to the shocked(Ha shocked) Denki and Shinsou, you could almost see the steam from Denki's ears as he walked out the room, "Where the fuck is he!?" Shinsou meanwhile walked over to Sero and took look at the wound, yeah it was bleeding pretty badly but not too severe,he didn't need a doctor or anything. He grabbed a first aid kit and stopped the blood before wiping Sero's tears.

⚠️⚠️Okay it's over⚠️⚠️

Sero latched himself onto Shinsou, several sobs came from the smaller male, "I-I want t-to go home-e." Shinsou nodded picking Sero up, front-way piggy back style(If that makes sense-) and found Denki being escorted out while trying to continue attacking a very bloody and dazed Kaichi. (Gonna say it here- Kaichi is an OC-) The rest of the Bakusquad following close behind, although pretending as if they didn't walk in with him around 30 minutes ago.

Once outside the squad surrounded the fuming Denki, sobbing Sero and Shinsou. "Not gonna lie Pikachu. That was badass. BUT WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" Denki crossed his arms, as if he was a child being scolded by a teacher, "He hurt Sero" Bakugou now looked even more pissed, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" Kirishima nodded, "I have to agree with Bakugou on this one. HE HURT SERO AND YOU NEVER LET US HELP!?"  It was very rare for Kirishima to get mad, much less absolutely fucking livid but right now was one of those once-in-a-blue-moon events that pushed all the right buttons. Shinsou soon spoke up, ''Shh." he gesutred to Sero who had fallen asleep on Shinsou, exhausted from the drama and crying. "Let's get back, then we can talk about this" Denki sighed, and the group walked back.

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