Chapter 14

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Shut something short and fluffy cause I have a new baby cousin :D
So like- must spend time with her but also must update so here-

The Bakusquad had dispersed and Sero was currently curled up in Shinsou's arms fast asleep while Denki leaned on Shinsou's shoulder watching him, Sero's eyes were red and swollen from his previous crying and rivers of dried tears caked his face. "I wonder who that was..." Denki suddenly spoke making Shinsou look away in thought, "Seems like someone he knew and I doubt some random stranger could get him to cry like that and is completely okay with hurting him so severely, so I'm assuming an old school mate- then again you never know, people are dicks sometimes" Denki frowned more, "I heard some stuff he said, Sero used to self harm and had body you think this'll affect him now?" Shinsou cleared his throat, "He's your boyfriend, I don't know..." Denki looked up, then back at Sero in Shinsou's arms then back up with a raised eyebrow holding back a giggle at the mask of red fighting it's way onto Hitoshi's face, "He could be yours too, Toshi" Shinsou blinked, a little taken back for a second as he hadn't heard that nickname in ages, he felt a weird warm feeling that made him smile a little, "What do you mean by that?" Denki fiddled with his sleeves, he probably should've waited until Sero was conscious to be part of the conversation but he couldn't exactly stop now, "Well...Sero and I talked about it and we're thinking of a pol- polya- whatever Sero said it's really long, but we want to try a relationship with you...." Denki held his breath as Shinsou stared at him silently for a moment before raising an eyebrow, "A polyamary?" Denki grinned, "I think so" "Yeah.." They looked down and saw Sero yawn and rub his eyes as he slowly but surely slipped out of his dream state.

Shinsou hummed in thought as Denki and Sero anxiously watched before he once again clicked his tongue (Sorry I make Shinsou do that so often I just do it often and it seems like something he'd do-) and chuckled, "Okay" He was instantly tackled by the both of them knocking him back onto the bed with both boys cuddling him from either side. He looked down at their two grinning face and couldn't fight back the wide grin on his face, his boyfriends were both overwhelmingly adorable.

"Double the kisses and cuddles!" Denki beamed placing himself in between Sero and Shinsou and wrapping their arms around his body with a smile. They kissed either side of his face and the 3 peacefully went to sleep (Well Sero went back to sleep-)

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