Chapter 12

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As soon as the words left Denki's mouth he saw the look of hurt on Sero's face and immediately was hit by a ton of guilt, "So then...why'd you date me...was it a joke?" Denki quickly shook his head, "Nonono! The thing is- I like you too, I know it sounds weird and I think I'm just confused but I really like the two of you but I don't want to cheat neither do I like the idea of choosing so I thought it would be better to be honest so-" Denki's rambling was cut off by Sero kissing him, "Slow down.I think I get it" Denki's breath hitched, he was about to be heartbroken again all because he couldn't make decisions, "You want a polyrelationship between the two of us?" Denki looked up with an expression of confusion, "A poly what?" Sero chuckled softly, "It means you want to have a relationship with several people, but in this case it's not cheating because the entire relationship is consensual."

Denki was speechless, "Y-You're not m-mad...?" Sero hugged Denki gently, "Of course not, you were honest with me and this is a completely normal thing for some people." Kaminari felt like crying, he wasn't really sure why, happiness maybe? (This is the fluffiest thing I've written in a " do you feel about it?" Sero thought for a short while before shrugging with a smile, "I think I'm okay with it, I kinda like him too, he's pretty chill when he doesn't hate you"

Denki grinned, and sat up pulling out his phone in an instant but it was quickly taken away by Sero, "How 'bout we give him more time to get comfortable with the both of us before doing anything huge," "I-..yeah that's probably a good idea" Sero rolled his eyes chuckling, "We can arrange a day out for the 3 of us though, and maybe invite the bakusquad in case it's too akward with just the 3 of us"

Kaminari seemed excited by the idea and nodded with a smile big enough to almost compete with Kirishima's. "How about we invite them all to the movies!- Like those outdoor ones!" Sero nodded, just happy to see Kaminari so excited, "Sounds good. We can make plans later, for now I'm tired so can we go back to sleep?"

"But you were only out for 2 hours-" "So?" Kaminari rolled his eyes, still giggling though and pulled Sero's hoodie and shirt off, putting more comfortable ones on him and kissing his nose, "Alright sleepyhead" Sero grinned and kidnapped Denki in a hug as they both layed down giggling like small children in the comfort of each other's arms.
A few hours went by of them talking about nothing in particular until they finally did end up falling asleep excited for their plans with the Bakusquad and Shinsou

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