Chapter 15

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After finally waking up the 3 had seperated to get ready for school, it was unusually early for Shinsou and Denki but they'd been woken up by Sero singing to himself in the mirror, it was an usual yet adorable wake up call. Denki was brushing his teeth when he got a call from Mina.

(M):Morning Kami
(D):Hey Mina, Why're you calling so early
(M):Heard you were with Sero and Shinsou now, needed to know if it was true

Denki choked on the toothpaste, it was too early for Mina to embarrass him yet here she was, a good 2 hours before schedule.

(D):How do you know already!? 
(M):So it is true!
(D): Yeah...
(M):My little Pikachu has left the ball
(D): Okay what are you my mom?
(M):Platonically, yes!
(D):I- I never agreed to this-
(M): And I don't agree when I'm forced to fold my laundry, life isn't ALWAYS about consent yknow...sexual wise it should be tho
(D):You know Sero and I are both asexual right?
(M): I was kidding. Anyway I'll leave you to get ready.
(D): Bye!

Denki put down the phone expecting Mina to hang up when he heard her scream through the phone, "He said it's true guys!" Once again Denki choked on the toothpaste and picked it back up

(M): Oh- you heard that- I thought you were gonna hang up
(D):Dont change the subject who did you-

She hung up. Denki groaned and finished getting ready before making his way to class. If she told the Bakusquad it would be endless teasing, if she told the class then he'd deal with stares and whispers all the time  and if she told the school then- Denki shuddered not wanting to think about it. "Hey Denki!" Denki turned to see Shinsou walk up behind him placing a kiss on Denki's forehead, "M-Morning" Shinsou chuckled, "You're so affectionate yet when it's given to you suddenly you're all flustered" Denki squeaked accidently shocking Shinsou, "I need to get that under control" Shinsou took his hand, "It's fine." The two smiled at each other and made their way to class seeing their boyfriend already there surrounded by the girls who were seemingly attacking him with questions, the red on his face was visible from the doorway. "SERO!" Denki called making the black-haired boy look up and run over basically hiding behind them as Uruaka, Momo, Tsuyu, Mina and Jirou followed. Denki shot a glare at  Mina who smiled back innocently, "So its true?" "Whats true?" Bakugou snapped as he came into the doorway with a half-asleep Kirishima resting on his shoulder, "Awee" His cheeks went a tinted pink as he growled at them, trying to shake the red head off but to no avail.

"Denki is dating Shinsou and Sero" "MINA!" Denki snapped, "You can't go around telling everyone!" Kendo soon ran in, "I came as soon as I heard!" Mina blinked and looked at Kaminari who was fuming, "Okay it wasn't me that time I swear, I don't know how she found out!....Also Hey Ken-Ken, we still on for the mall on Saturday" Kendo shot her a smile and thumbs up before gripping Shinsou's arm, "Mind if I borrow this? Thanks!" And she dragged him away before she even got a response.

Denki turned, " one gonna ask how she found out?" Everyone looked at each other as if some unspoken agreement said 'Nope'     

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