Chapter 18

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After class Sero and Denki were playing video games in Denki's room because Shinsou said he needed to do something, when suddenly Denki's phone went off. "No cheating" He huffed as he paused the game, making Sero whine but wrap his arms around the blonde.

"Denki, my dad's wanna talk to you and Sero"

Denki's breath stopped, "I- they- who- what- now?!" Sero looked concerned at how absolutely mortified Denki was at whatever was going on in that phone call, taking all his will not to grab the phone and hang it up, none the less he sat quietly, tightening his grip on his boyfriend's waist. Denki spoke on the phone for a few more minutes before hanging up and clinging to Sero, "We need to meet Shinsou in his dorm. Now." Sero nodded not seeing the problem as he put a Hoodie over Denki's shirt and having his boyfriend climb on his back.

A good while of walking later they were at Shinsou's dorm both their hearts dropping. "Kaminari Denki and Sero Hanta of class 1A!!!" Present Mic screeched happily before receiving a slap in the back of the head from Aizawa, "Quieter Zashi" Shinsou groaned into his hands and beckoned over both his still shocked boyfriends. "This'll be a treat..."

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