Chapter 10

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Denki hummed listening to music on his way to Sero's dorm, they were going to study when he saw Shinsou turn the corner looking really tense, being the caring precious pikachu boi he is, he got worried and followed to make sure Shinsou was alright but stopped when he heard talking, "Still refuse to admit you miss him?" Denki raised an eyebrow, Kendo and Shinsou talked in corners a lot, "I don't. I'm just stressed from training and school, that's all." "Shin.." "Drop it Kendo, I'm done with this bullshit" Denki was about to leave when Shinsou angrily turned the corner and ran right into him, Denki looked up and squeaked, Shinsou was possibly just finished studying or something.

(Basically what he looks like rn, also not my art as usual my talentless ass could never ;v;)

Denki blinked a heavy blush crawling onto his face as he quickly scrambled to his feet, "O-Oh god, Sorry man!" Shinsou shook his head also standing with a sigh, "Its fine" And before Denki could say anything else he quickly walked off. Kaminari shoved his hands in his pockets, 'I'm blushing but I have a boyfriend, I guess I'm not completely over him... Well I'm not making the same mistake I really like Sero and I'm not changing that!'

He grinned to himself and ran the rest of the way to Sero's dorm room with a huge smile on his face, "Hey Love!" Sero looked up and grinned walking over and kissing Kaminar's nose, "You're late dork" Denki pouted, "Sorry! I ran into Shinsou!" Sero frowned a little, "Can I talk to you about him for a sec?"

Kaminari saw the change in attitude and bit his lip as he nodded leading to them oth being sat down on the bed. "Now I don't want you to think I'm overreacting or anything because I've thought about that myself and realized that it just doesn't make sense so....I think Shinsou actually likes you- like for real..." Denki was silent, his mouth slightly open in shock, "B-But then w-why would he-" "I talked to Kendo and here's a the full story"

✨ Flashback ✨

"Hey Shinsou!" Hitoshi turned his head to see Monoma walking up to him with a facial expression he knew all too well, "Monoma I'm not taking part in your foolish shenanigans to mess with people." Monamo snorted, "C'mon Shinsou. Don't you want to mess with those 1A douchebags. Speakin a' douchebags, a little birdie told me that electric pimp likes you" Shinsou raised an eyebrow, "Me? That dude wouldn't be gay have you seen him and the little grape shit flirting with girls?" Monoma hummed, "Fine I'll make a bet with you." Hitoshi turned in his seat, head cocking to the side, "Whats in this for me?"

"The little purple kitten keychain you were staring at for hours?" Shinsou groaned, "Fuck you. And what do you get out of this?" "Pure entertainment!" Shinsou clicked his tongue in interest and nodded, "So all you need to do, get him to confess, date him. Then break his heart. I don't care how you do it." Shinsou hummed as if he were in thought before responding, "You're gonna kiss me" Monoma let out a squeak, "P-Pardon?!" "I'm not gonna break up with him out of nowhere, so I want you to kiss me around him. Since Kendo and Tetsutetsu are already in relationships and we don't like each other and I am not up for real relationships right now so I don't want it to be with someone who does like me because I don't need it to mean anything to them." Monoma frowned a little at that(Yes I'm adding to the harem I can do what I want U-U), "Alright sure whatever."

✨ End of flashback ✨

"And now supposedly Shinsou actually does like you and misses you a lot but won't admit it..."

Denki was at a lost for words, "Kendo told you all this?!" Sero nodded, "She said she's getting sick of Shinsou being so stubborn, but pensive when someone even mentions your name." Denki sighed and layed down on Sero's lap trying to wrap his head around everything, he didn't want to study anymore, "Sero can we cuddle until we fall asleep?"

Sero nodded and that's what they did, Sero giving Denki all the cuddles, kisses and affection he wanted until they both had fallen asleep around 12am.

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