Chapter 1

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Denki was eating lunch with the bakusquad when Hitoshi Shinsou walked past, a blush crawled onto the Pikachu's face as a small sigh escaped his lips, "Oooh someone has a crussshhhh!" Denki was snapped back to reality after Mina spoke and realized everyone in the Bakusquad was staring at him, "Wh- Shinsou!? No I don't like him!" Kirishima chuckled, "No one said anything about Shinsou bro" Bakugou snorted, "Well isn't that precious. Dunce face has a think for cats" Denki groaned, "All of you shut up, someone will hear you." Mina squealed grabbing at least 5 other tables' attention. Including the one Shinsou was at, Denki groaned and slightly himself under the table wanting to dissappear.

Kirishima looked over, "C'mon bro, it's not that bad." Denki shook his head hugging his knees, "Easy for you to say, everyone thinks I'm straight since I'm always flirting with girls, plus he's not in my class and he basically hates this class, your crush is in the same class as you." Kirishima realized he had a point and looked at Bakugou who's eyes widened, "Eh?! Why are you looking me?! Not my fault he was acting better than me! Also who the fuck do you like!?" Kirishima sighed, "Bakubro chill." Bakugou rolled his eyes slouching back in his seat.

Denki slowly rose back up sitting in his chair, "Sero you good man?"  Sero seemed a jolt out of his thoughts, he had a look of Dissapointment on his face, "Oh- who me? I'm fine" Denki tilted his head, "Well if you say s-" "Excuse me?" Denki nearly jumped out of his skin as he silently prayed he had heard the voice wrong, but as he turned he realized Shinsou was right behind him, "Kaminari Denki?"Kaminari nodded nervously. Shinsou crossed his arms, "I can tell you're talking about me, and I don't appreciate it." Kaminari was about to have a heart attack right then and there, "S-Sorry" Shinsou smirked, "You're cute" He chuckled as he walked away.

Denki went bright red and slowly turned to the others who were all just smiling, "Someone please tell me what just happened" Mina squealed again but this time everyone ignored it, "Your crush just called you cute!" Denki smiled brightly accidently sending a smol shock which hit Kirishima's arm, "Well ow" Denki smiled nervously, "Sorry Bro" Kirishima shrugged and shook it off smiling, "Its all good, our main priority is getting you and Shinbro together" Denki once again slid under the table, "No thanks, he might say no" Bakugou groaned and stretched over the table pulling it back up, "Eye bags rejects you and I'll blow his face off. Say no to trying and I'll blow your face off" Denki quickly nodded inching away from Bakugou, "That is the most Threatning way I've ever been motivated." Kirishima smiled that award winning smile, "We'll help you bro, this sorta thing doesn't happen everyday"

Kaminari glanced at Shinsou who was eating in silence amongst his classmates, "I...guess...." Mina smiled, "I'm taking that as a yes, we gonna get you your mans!" Kaminari was wondering if he was going to seriously regret this.

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