Chapter 2 (Wattpad plz give us the option to not title chapters-)

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Denki tapped his pencil on his desk, boredly waiting for Aizawa-Sensei to walk in, but when he did Denki wished he could throw himself out the window, "Alright problem children. As you know Mineta with expelled for....reasons.... Not that I know how he got here in the first place- but class 1A has room for a new student so please welcome Hitoshi Shinsou to our class" Denki felt as if his whole world just shattered, his crush- which he was VERY obvious about- was now going to be in all his classes. Denki felt a nudge and saw Kirishima smiling giving him an encouraging thumbs up which did help a little.

"Alright New problem child go sit down" Shinsou silently sat down glancing up at Denki for a split second and smirking. Denki felt his face burn as he immediately looked down at his desk, a million thoughts running while through his head 'Doeshelikemeback?!DidIdosomethingwrong!?Wellhedidcallmecute-Ofallthepeopletobetransferredhere!HHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' Denki was woken up by a surge of pain, specifically his cheek, "Bakugou! You didn't need to slap him!" "Shut up racoon eyes!"  Denki shook his head, "What happened!?" The Bakugousquad looked at him before Kirishima spoke, "You zoned out for the whole class bro, schools over. Aizawa called you a bunch but you were in a different headspace."

Kaminari banged his head on the table, "I looked like an idiot didn't I" Bakugou rolled his eyes, "When do you not?" Which lead to him getting a slap in the back of the head from Kirishima, "YOU WANNA TRY THAT AGAIN SHITTY HAIR!?" Kirishima ignored him and looked back at Kaminari, "Kami bro did you freak out because Shinsou's in our class now" "No, I freaked out because I had a daydream of Aizawa in a skirt- Of course I freaked out cause Shinsou's in our class!" Denki sighed, "Sorry, I'm just panicked." Kirishima and Mina smiled warmly, "Its okay, just start small like try to build a friendship with him?" "And how would I do that?" Kirishima pointed behind Denki, "You could try talking to him''

Kaminari jumped and turned to see Shinsou talking to Tokoyami whilst till glancing up at him occasionally, "Plus he def likes you back! He stares at you constantly!" Denki trembled, "But what if he says no?! What if he hates me?! What if I do something stupid!? What if- Ow!" Denki was once again slapped my Bakugou, "Listen up Dunce face! You don't get into this school by worrying about rejection, and this only happens once in your life get rejected by eye bags and you can get another crush! Just suck it up and go try before I blow you over there myself!" Denki was silent, "Okay, THATS the most Threatning way I've ever been motivated, thanks Bakubro!" Kaminari got up and looked at Shinsou who'd just waved goodbye to Tokoyami and was about to walk out the classroom, Denki ran over, "H-Hey Shinsou!" Shinsou turned and raised an eyebrow, "Denki?" Kaminari smiled and nodded, "I was wondering if-" "Be at my dorm by 5" "Wha-?!" "I can tell you're gonna ask to hang out, be at my dorm at 5" "O-Oh okay Toshi!" "Dont call me that" "It'll grow on you" Shinsou rolled his eyes and walked out and Kaminari did a mini air fist bump.

He ran over to the Bakusquad who was smiling (Well Bakugou had his usual resting bitch face on but you could tell he was proud UvU) Mina high fived Denki with a smile, "Our little Pikachu is leaving the ball!" Kirishima hugged him

"We're so proud Bro! Aren't we Bakugou" Bakugou looked up from the floor, "Hm? Oh tch- All he did was ask him to hang out, he does that to us all the time." Mina rolled her eyes, "Well why don't you ask your crush to hang out Bakugou" Bakugou glared, "If I say I'm proud will you shut up Pink tits?!" Mina smiled and nodded, "Fine. I guess I'm proud, since your dumbass didn't fuck up like usual" Denki cried, "Thats the nicest thing you've ever said to me!" (Is that sad?) Mina grabbed Kaminari by the arm, "Well c'mon, let's get you ready for your date!" "Its not a date Mina!" "You want it to be~" ''....Shush or I won't let you pick my outfit" "Shutting up!"

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