Chapter 6

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It was the Saturday and Denki had been informed about the plans to hang out, which of course he agreed to. He slipped on the black and grey lightning shirt Sero gave him for his birthday and ran out the door, he didn't wear it often but when he did it made him happy. He met up with everyone at the UA Gates and Sero's face went a tinted pink colour as he saw what Kaminari was wearing but quickly brushed it off hoping it wasn't noticable, "So where we going?" Kiri snapped Sero out of his thoughts as all the attention turned to him making him remember he was to plan everything. "O-Oh well there's a new cafe that opened nearby so I thought we could try that" It was agreed and they let Sero lead the way.

Upon arriving they all sat down, Kiri next to Bakugou, Denki on Bakugou's other side and Mina and Sero next to each other on the other end of the table. Denki was playing some sort of game on his phone while Sero simply gazed at him with a small smile on his face, having to constantly be snapped out of it by one of his friends. They got Ramen, Katsudon, Boba and Rice balls. Not important to the story just thought y'all would wanna know-

Anyway they ate and decided to have a sleep over at Bakugou's dorm, Bakugou tried to protest but one please from Kirishima and he was immediately defeated so they all walked their talking about everything and nothing. "Hey Sero" Sero stopped his conversation with Mina and turned to Denki, "Bakugou and Kiri are together, I'm with Shinsou and Mina is a single queen. Do you like anyone" Sero's eyes widened from the sudden question as he felt the heat rise to his cheeks, "Uhm- well... yeah..." Denki grinned, "Really? Then why haven't you asked them out yet?'' Sero's smile faltered as he shoved his hands into his pockets and looked at the ground, "Theyre already in a relationship and I don't want to get in the way of that.." Denki frowned, "That sucks, you're awesome and whoever you decide to date will be lucky" Sero blushed a little more smiling at the compliment, "Thanks Pikachu" Denki grinned and put his fingers above his head, "Pika Pika!" The entire squad burst into laughter as they opened the door to Bakugou's dorm. Kiri immediately began cuddling the angry Pomeranian on the bed, Mina sat on a bean bag, Sero and Denki sat on the floor, "So now what?" Denki thought for a while, "Truth or dare?" The squad shook their heads, "Too cliche, plus I don't trust you with my life" Bakugou spat making Denki pout. After some discussion they ended up watching a movie so Bakugou shouldn't really talk about cliche. "Hey guys I'm hungry, anyone want a snack" Denki asked to which the others said they were okay.

So Denki stood up and left the room going to get something to eat when he saw something out the corner of his eye, being curious he followed seeing Shinsou and Monoma walking down a corroder (I think you know where this is going-) they seemed to stop and whisper before Shinsou pinned Neito down to a wall and kissed him making Denki's heart stop. His eyes filled with tears as he ran back to the Bakusquad crying his eyes out. Mina was the first to hear crying on the other side of the door, getting up and opening it as Denki fell into her arms in tears, "H-He" Everyone surrounded him trying to calm him down, "He-who- what?" Denki rubbed his eyes, "He cheated.." In an instant Sero was out the door. Denki curled up, "W-Whats wrong with me. Am I not good enough.." Kirishima frowned, a rare occurance, "Bro, he doesn't know what he's missing, you're amazing and if he doesn't think you're good enough for him, then he's not good enough for you"

Lets see what Sero's up to shall we :D

Sero was around the corner and heard Shinsou's voice, about to barge in but then he heard him having a conversation. "So you're telling me, over a bet. You made Denki think you liked him just to toy with him?! Shinsou that's a new low" Kendo? "Why would I like a 1A student, especially an idiotic one like that? Besides, Neito didn't think I could do it so of course I had to prove him wrong." "Since when do you care about what people think you can and can't do?!" "Since I want to be a hero, if you want to be a hero it's about rising to challenges, not that it was much of a challenge since apparently he liked me anyway" "HE DID WHAT!? And you literally broke his heart, Shinsou that's too far!" "Kendo, will you shut up about this, I've already done it, what am I to do" Sero had enough of the arguing and stormed over confusing both Kendo and Shinsou, "You made him cry! You didn't deserve him! He's had a crush on you for so long and you treated him like an object!" Shinsou processed everything before he smirked, "Oh you're one of his little friends. What's done is done, I can't fix it" Sero fumed but he knew better than attacking someone, especially in the school hallways so he went back to check on Denki, big surprise. He was still crying while the others did everything they could to get him to stop. Not that they were succeeding. Sero sat next to him pulling Denki into a hug and just letting him cry, he was upset that someone would make Denki cry like this, "Its okay Pikachu we're right here."

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