Chapter 16

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Kendo dragged Hitoshi all the way back to 1B, "Hi Ken-Ken!" Tetsutetsu grinned before seeing Shinsou and flashing him a smile and thumbs up, "And Shinsou, been a while since you abandoned us for the First-classmen"  He joked making Shinsou roll his eyes as he held back a smirk, "Anyway Kendo, what am I doing here" Kendo plopped her self in a chair, kicking her feet up on the desk, "Vlad King isn't here, so we thought we'd catch up" Shinsou crossed his arms, "And what about my classes?" He only got a shrug in response before feeling someone bump into his back, "Hey watch i- Shinsou?!" Monoma practically screeched as he noticed the purple haired individual turned to face him, "Well good to see you too"

Shinsou remarked sarcastically knowing full well Monoma only let his pride down around his closest friends and the flustered response he got from Neito was absolutely priceless, "I- I didn't mean- sorry- I- HEY YOURE MESSING WITH ME AGAIN!" He pouted angrily, Every around the two giggled softly, "Honestly if Shinsou wasn't dating Denki and Sero, you two would be basically a married couple" Monoma's facially expression went to one of shock, "You're dating- the class 1A idiots" Shinsou's cheek turned slightly pink, "I gotta admit they're cute idiots" Monoma just smirked and fake gagged in response, "Whipped!" He snickered.      

"Shin!!!!!" Denki whined as he ran into the room holding his boyfriend's arm, 1B held back their laughter as the colour in Shinsou's face shifted to a bright red, "Kami, what now?" Denki hummed, "Mr.Aizawa came and you weren't there so I offered to come get you" Hitoshi got a quick glare at Kendo, "Alright, I'm coming." Shinsou pecked Denki's lips as the lightning bold pupil ran off. Shinsou turned to his friends who were doing very poorly at holding back their smirks and laughter, "Don't." He snapped as he slowly walked out the room. His boyfriend's were going to be the death of him, but he was 100% up for it. 

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