Chapter 9

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The weekend was over and this was gonna be their first time seeing their entire class after their relationship was exposed in under 5 minutes. Denki smiled slipping his tie on with the rest of his uniform and making his way to Sero's dorm but before he knew it he smacked right into someone and papers went everywhere, "Oh my god, I'm so sor-" He looked down and saw Shinsou on the floor looking at all the scattered papers then back up at Denki with an annoyed expression, Denki smiled nervously, "Sorry man, I can help you pick them up if you want" He held a hand out to Shinsou with a grin, confusing Hitoshi, "You're literally helping me after what happened" Denki shrugged, "Lets put that behind us, now you want the help or not my hands getting tired" Shinsou was hesitant but he took Denki's hand and propped himself back onto his feet with a small blush on his face which he hoped wasn't visible.

Kaminari helped him pick up all the papers, "So, you and Sero are a thing now" Shinsou deadpanned out of nowhere surprising the blondie a little, his face flushed as he smiled more, "Yep!" Hitoshi wasn't gonna lie, that hurt a little but he didn't know why Denki was an idiot, a really nice idiot that was kinda cute, but still- he can't fall for someone like that. "HITOSHI!" Shinsou jumped snapping out of his thoughts, "Wh-" Denki sighed, "You zoned out and I was telling you class starts soon" Shinsou's eyes widened and he ran off with the papers he was carrying making Denki shrug and continue on his way to find Sero.

Sero sighed, "Where is-" "BOO!" Tape boi jumped before realizing it was only Denki and giving him a small chuckle and kiss on the cheek, "And you can't say good morning like a normal person?" Denki giggled, "Nope!~" Sero sighed with a smile plastered on his face as he took Denki's hand in his own, "Lets go to class, Pikachu" Denki nodded and basically dragged Sero the whole way there, Sero having to run to keep up with the energetic blonde.

The two made it to class just in time, their entire class...well most of them- squealing when they saw the two holding hands. Denki blushed faintly and kissed Sero's cheek with a smile causing Sero to flush red and turn away in embarrassment, "Was that necessary mi amor?" Denki shrugged innocently and sat down going into conversation with some classmates which is when Sero noticed the glare he was receiving from Hitoshi which sent shivers down his spine but he ignored it and sat down anyway.

Sero couldn't have a peaceful class, Everytime he looked behind him Shinsou was staring daggers in the back of his head, he shuddered and looked back at his notes, but the longer Hitoshi stared the more uncomfortable and restless he became, should he talk to Denki about this? Should he talk to Shinsou? Should he leave it alone? A million thoughts rushed through his head as he tried to decide what to do, it was so unerving.  

Before he knew it class was over and the only people in the room were Denki, Shinsou and himself. He hadn't noticed but Shinsou was talking to Kaminari.

"Hey Denki?" Denki turned smiling at Shinsou, "Hey Shinsou" Shinsou grimaced, no more annoying ass nicknames, why was this bothering him so much? "Y'know how you said we can put it behind us welll.. I noticed I never actually apologized so... I-I'm sorry" Denki chuckled giving him a playful hit on the arm, "Its fine! Plus I'm over it" Shinsou frowned a little, Denki moved on quick, "O-Oh and congrats on...." He gestured to Sero packing up his stuffmaking Denki blush faintly, "Yeah thanks!" Shinsou forced a smile- or whatever his equivalent to a smile was- and quickly left.

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