12:30am, my fam woke me up, I cant remember which chapter this is, this may suck

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Denki had been crying for a whole 7 hours, and his friends stayed with him through the whole thing, which he was thankful for but also kinda made him feel like a burden since his friends were losing sleep over him. Currently he was eating Katsudon while laying across Sero and Mina's laps while they all watched another movie. Since they didn't have any school the next day they had planned to have another day out and skip their usual study session, those weren't productive anyway, Bakugou would end up being the only one studying while the others cracked jokes and tried to See who could squirt applesauce out their nose first, Sero being the reigning champion, (Wtf-). Denki sighed slightly and put down the empty plate, "I'm sleepy.." Sero pulled him up so he was laying on the bed, but Denki pulled him down holding Sero close, "Dont question it, just sleep here" Sero's face was bright red but he nodded letting Denki cuddle him as he went to sleep. Sero glared at his friends when he saw them take their phones out, so they pouted and put them back. Kirishima and Bakugou cuddled on an air matress he had and Bakugou forced Mina to sleep in a bean bag chair, which she didn't mind.

Next Day Time skip
Today's sponsor: My favorite hoodie that I lost years ago ;-;

Everyone woke up at practically the same time coincidentally so everyone dispersed to get clothes and go have a shower planning to meet back up in front of Sero's dorm room.

Once they were all met, Denki was the last one there since his hair took forever to dry, but since he didn't want to be late it was still damp. Kiri snickered, "You hair looks so different when it's wet" Mina teased making Denki frowned, "I thought I looked hot with my hair like this" "You do" Everyones eyes turned to Sero who flushed pink, "I didn't mean to say that out loud" Denki smiled, "At least Sero sees it" They rolled their eyes and dragged Denki and Sero out the school. "How about we go swimming?" Mina suggested, "We don't have swim suits and we already left" Mina smiled and opened her bag throwing them all swimsuits, "Wait- these are ours! Did you steal these?!" Mina snickered at Kiri's question, "Yep." Kaminari smiled widely, "Swimming it is!" Bakugou, Kirishima and Sero decided to let it slide since it seemed to make Denki happy, but they were gonna start locking their drawers and closets.

They ran to their favourite pool and changed. Bakugou instantly dragged a terrified Kiri to the tallest diving board, Mina saw Mydoria, Momo and Todoroki and went to talk to them. Leaving Both our bois, "So Denki, wanna go in the water, your hair is already wet anyways" Sero said, doing his very best not to pay attention to the fact Denki wasn't wearing a shirt right now...and kinda failing, "Sero...Sero? SERO?!" Sero's eyes snapped back up realizing he was staring, "Sorry, what did you say?" "I said, yes let's go in the water. Also are you okay man? I know it's kinda hot but you're blushing...a lot-" Sero diverted his eyes, "Uhm, yeah I'm fine, let's go" Kaminari dragged him into the water grinning, "Damn it's cold" Sero giggled, "Ye- WOAH" Sero pulled Denki out the way as Kiri had just fallen into the water out of nowhere. Kaminari smiled, "Thanks Sero" Sero nodded looking at Kiri who was still under water, "Uhh, Is he okay?" Suddenly the red head came up, "Im alive!" The blonde and black haired Bois stared at Kiri, "Sooo... you gonna tell Bakugou you're scared of heights or?" (Leave me and my headcannons alone U-U) Kirishima shook his head, "Not manly, I'll get over it." They shrugged and went to another side of the pool as Kiri watched Bakugou jump down after him. "So Sero, you said something about your crush being in a relationship, it's had me curious since you said it"

Sero hesitated, he didn't want to say anything since Denki just got cheated on, but Denki wouldn't drop it so he didn't have a choice, "Uh.. well they got cheated on so they're not in a relationship anymore, but I don't wanna confess since I don't think he's ready" Denki being Denki didn't put two and two together, "Wow, relatable much." Sero facepalmed with a smile, "You idiot" Denki made the UwU face, "You know it, but I'm a hot idiot" Sero hummed, "Wont argue with you there"

Denki suddenly splashed Sero with water catching him off guard, "Gotcha~" Once over the shock from the sudden attack and change in temperature he smirked, "Oh now it's on!" Denki quickled fucked under water swimming away with Sero after him.

The other Bakusquad members were all now drinking smoothies on lounge chairs and watching them, "Yknow, I really think Denki would be better off with Sero," Mina said with Bakugou and Kirishima's agreement, "I still wanna kick that purple headed son of a bitch's ass" Bakugou growled, "Well we can't do that. But Sero is so obvious, yet of course he fell for one of the most dense people in class" Kirishima rolled his eyes, Mina booped his nose, "You can't talk, Bakugou gets jealous when you're talking to other people constantly yet you couldn't tell" Kiri pouted, "Why you gotta do me like that" Pinky shrugged, "Dunno" The Angry Pomeranian growled and dumped his drink- ice, umbrella and all- onto Mina's face, "HEY!" He smirked and stuck his tongue out at her, "Whats wrong Raccoon eyes?" Mina huffed and went back to her drink cause she's not wasting a perfectly good smoother over this U-U and the three went back to watching the dense gay and disaster gay have fun together

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