Chapter 5

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Currently, our beloved Pikachu was pacing back and fourth, nervously biting his nails, where he had asked Shinsou to meet him. Kirishima had already confessed to Bakugou and he returned the feelings, so now Denki was scared he'd get rejected, and Shinsou was to be here 10 minutes ago. He had told his friends not to follow him in case Shinsou saw them and was weirded out or he got rejected and they attacked Shinsou or something, so he thought that was the safest option and after much protesting, they agreed to leave him to do this himself.

Just as he was about to give up assuming he'd been stood up, a familiar head of purple hair walked around the corner making his heart physically stop. He didn't know what to say, "U-Uhm.. H-Hi Toshi" Kaminari mentally groaned at his stutter as his face flushed a bright red from embarrassment, causing Shinsou to chuckle. "Do you need some time to collect yourself?" Kaminari took a deep breath curling his fists, "O-Okay.. So I know we're not the closest or anything and you're probably gonna think I'm weird but uhh... I like you... a lot..." Shinsou's eyebrows raised slightly in intrigue, "W-What Im meaning to say is, you're really cute and funny and although you're not the most social person and I love to meet new people something about your ambition really attracts me and-" Denki stopped as Shinsou slapped a hand over his mouth, "You talk a lot y'know, it's really annoying" Denki winced a little expecting he was about to be rejected but let out a squeak of surprise when Shinsou closed the gap between their lips. Denki internally screamed as he kissed back, it only lasted a couple seconds but it felt like 525 600 minutes~ (I am sorry), Kaminari had to keep himself from pouting when Shinsou pulled away. "S-So..." Denki started but trailed off and looked down fidgeting with the sleeves of his Pikachu hoodie, "I got you to shut up, and you're my boyfriend now. Guess it's an acheivement day for me" Denki blushed more accidently letting out a few Sparks of electricity, none of them really hurt tho, "S-Sorry" Shinsou hummed, "Well someone's flustered~"

Denki playfully punched his arm, making them both laugh gently, "I'll see you tomorrow" They both shared another sweet kiss before walking off to their own dorms. Before Denki opened his dorm door, he heard shuffling when meant his friends were in there probably waiting for him, at first he wondered how they got in there before remembering he usually left his door open. He decided to play a little prank on them, putting on his most depressed face and slowly walking into the room. His friends were seated on his bed and on the floor immediately glaring past Denki at the open door when he walked in, "I'm gonna fucking kill him!" Mina stood up, Bakugou joining her, "You extras are the most tolerable, and nobody fucks with me or my idiots." Denki tensed wondering if someone was going to have to drag Shinsou's dead body to class tomorrow, "Uhh, actually I was kidding. He felt the same" Everyone gasped and pulled Denki into a group hug, except for Sero and Bakugou. Sero quietly stood up and excused himself running back to his room, Kirishima and Mina running after him. Bakugou and Denki looked at each other in confusion and shrugged.

Sero ran down the Halls to his dorm room tears running down his face, as he opened it and slammed the door shit before Mina and Kirishima could get to him. Mina banged on the door as they heard sobs coming from the other side, "Hanta? Open up! Seriously Sero, what's gotten into you these past few days!?" Kirishima sighed stopping Mina, "Sero, come out and tell us if you're ready, we're not forcing to share everything bro, but if you don't tell anyone the problem it's gonna continue bugging you, and that's not manly" There was silence for they heard a click and a teary eyed Sero opened the door mumbling a soft, "Come in" (Initially he was supposed to tell the whole Bakusquad, except for Denki, in a cafe that he liked the pikachu, I dunno how that turned into him telling Mina and Kiri in his bedroom)

Sero sat back on his bed next to the two wet stains already there from crying, Mina and Kiri sat next to each other in front oh him on the floor. It took him a while but Sero was able to stop crying enough to get out full sentence, "I-I..." He tensed breaking down into more tears than before feeling pathetic, "I LIKED DENKI!" Kirishima and Mina's eyes widened as Sero had confessed to them and they both gave him apologetic looks, "Sero, we're so sorry we should've noticed..." Sero shook his head, "Why does it matter, he doesn't like me anyway, he likes Shinsou and now they're dating and it's not fair!" Mina sat next to him allowing Sero to cry on her shoulder as Kiri patted his back from the other side (The friendship goals AAA) "Its okay Sero, maybe he likes someone else but at least you're still really close friends right? You still have some sort of relationship so it's better than him not liking you at all." Sero thought for a second before wiping his tears and nodding, "I guess..." Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door, "EXTRAS OPEN UP!" Kirishima sighed and stood up opening the door, Bakugou noticed Sero had been crying, "Uhhh" (Yeah he blacks out with these kinda things-) Kirishima told Bakugou what happened and he looked somewhat sympathetic. Keyword: Somewhat. Sero looked up at them, "Please don't tell Denki any of this, I don't want him to be uncomfortable around me, especially if Shinsou is nearby, I just want him happy." They all nodded, agreeing to keep this between the Bakusquad...well 90% of it at least-

Sero wiped his puffy eyes, "I'll get over it" Kiri thought for a while about to speak but Mina chimed in before he could open his mouth, "Hey, it's almost the weekend, how about we spend the Saturday with Denki so you can see how much he loves you as a friend?" Sero shrugged, "Guess it couldn't hurt" Kirishima and Bakugou went to Kirishima's dorm to watch a movie and Mina went to hers to vibe in being single, leaving Sero alone. Suddenly his phone went off.

Hotter Static shock⚡❤️

Pikachu: Hey Sero, you walked out pretty quick earlier, you okay? 🙁

Drug_@ddict: Yeah I'm sorry, Just remembered I had some homework to catch up on😅

Pikachu: Oh good, I was worried 😁
Speaking of homework, I should probably call Shinsou since he promised to help me
with mine. Bye

Drug_@ddict: Oh.. K bye

Sero felt another wave of heartbreak wash over him as more tears pricked his eyes but he blinked them back, he refused to spend any more time crying over this. If Denki liked someone else he couldn't change that and he wasn't gonna hate him or Shinsou over this, he was gonna support it like a good friend no matter how much it hurt, but a small part of him still just wanted Denki to love him instead.

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