Chapter 3

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Mina smiled looking at her work, "You look amazing Denki!" Kaminari smiled looking at the outfit Mina chose, "Damn I'm hot" 
(Not my art-)

Kirishima grinned, "Yep! Shinsou is definately gonna like you in this!" Bakugou shrugged, "You look less like shit, so I guess that's good for something" Denki turned to Sero, "Sero, what do you think" Sero was silently staring at Denki, mouth sli...

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Kirishima grinned, "Yep! Shinsou is definately gonna like you in this!" Bakugou shrugged, "You look less like shit, so I guess that's good for something" Denki turned to Sero, "Sero, what do you think" Sero was silently staring at Denki, mouth slightly agape, "Uhh...Sero?" Bakugou walked close to Sero but Kirishima pulled him back before he could do anything, "Dont even think about it." Bakugou rolled his eyes grumbling.

Mina got come cold water and threw it on Sero's face, "Sero!" he jumped and shook the water off, "What was that for?!" "I dunno, maybe because you were spacing out and wouldn't respond to anything and we didn't want Bakugou to slap you!" Mina and Sero glared at each other while Bakugou watched wishing he had popcorn, Kirishima wanted to try salvage it but Bakugou wouldn't let him move and Denki was charging all their phones so they wouldn't need him to while he was gone, because he's thoughtful like that UvU.

They pushed him out the door and he slowly made his way to Shinsou's dorm (Shinsou had texted him the dorm number and floor) while trying to think of ways to not embarrass himself pretty much.

Once reaching the door he took a deep breath and knocked, waiting a couple moments before the door opened revealing a more tired than usual looking Shinsou, "Oh, you're here. Come in" Denki walked in, the place was pretty empty and just had essentials and a million books piled up on a desk next to a computer. "I don't need much, plus decorating my room is a lot of unecessary work." Denki nodded sitting on the bed, "Woah! These sheets are soft" Shinsou shrugged, "Dad and I take sleep very seriously" Denki shrugged and grinned, "So what do you wanna do?"

Shinsou looked around his room, "Want to watch a movie?" Denki gasped and nodded watching as Shinsou went into a black bag on the floor and pulled out a laptop, "Anything specific?" Kaminari shrugged, "Dont care" Shinsou turned on a random show and they watched it for hours before Denki started dozing off, "Tired already?" "Shut up, you've looked exhausted since I've been here" "Well yeah, Im always exhausted," Denki yawned softly and got up, "Alright, Im going back to my dorm."

"Why don't you just stay here, I'm pretty sure it's past curfew anyway." Denki blushed making him glad it was pretty dark so Shinsou couldn't see clearly, "Where would I sleep..?" "I have an air matress, you can sleep on my bed." "But it's your room" Shinsou smirked, "Are you saying you want to sleep together?" Denki blushed bright red, pretty sure Shinsou could see it even in the dark, "W-Well I wasn't- You see I- Maybe?!" Hitoshi got up stretching and put up his laptop, "If that's what you want, sure." Shinsou threw an oversized hoodie at Denki, "Assuming you don't wanna sleep in jeans and a T-shirt. Change in the bathroom and I'll change out here" Denki nodded and went into the bathroom changing into the hoodie, "Smells like coffee, chocolate food?" Denki shrugged and walked out stopping in his tracks (Shinsou has clothes on guys, get your minds out the gutter-)

cat food?" Denki shrugged and walked out stopping in his tracks (Shinsou has clothes on guys, get your minds out the gutter-)

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  "You have a cat!?!" Shinsou's head shot up and he glared at Denki, "Yell it for someone to hear would you!" He put down the cat which crawled under a table and practically disappeared into the darkness. "Its so cute, and that explains why your hoodie smells like cat food." Shinsou raked a hand through his hair, "Well she was on the streets and I couldn't leave her when I found her in an alleyway so I took her in." Denki sat next to him on the bed, "Whats her name?" "Annabelle." "Like... the horror doll?" Shinsou smirked, "Scared of a little doll?" Denki slapped his arm softly, "Horror movies are terrifying!" Shinsou rolled his eyes, "Alright. Let's go to bed, school's tomorrow and I'm not gonna be late on account of you keeping me up" Denki huffed and layed down, Shinsou Laying down on the other side. "Night Toshi!" "I said don't call me that" "...." ".....Night Denki" Denki went to sleep with a huge smile on his face.

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