Chapter 11

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Denki woke up nuzzling into the warmth of Sero, he thought about everything that happened the day prior, he hummed and sat up taking out his phone. Texting Shinsou. When he felt two arms wrap around his waist, "Mm' morning Denki" Kaminari giggled and kissed his cheek, "Who're you texting?" "Shinsou" Sero frowned a little making Denki smirk, "Someone jealous?~" Sero blushed and burried his face into Denki's back, "Well he likes you and he is your Ex so how could I not be?" Denki nodded, "Fair enough. But don't worry I'm not gonna be the one hanging out with him." Sero looked up with curiosity in his eyes(How can you tell-?? His eyes are like- literal bug eyes) "What do you mean?"

Denki smirked again, "I'm forcing you too to hang out, if I have to reject him then I don't want you two on bad terms" Sero nearly choked on air, "WHAT!?" Denki covered his ears rolling his eyes and assuring Sero it would be fine, and although not entirely convinced Sero agreed to go for Denki's sake and Shinsou had texted back an agreement. Kaminari grinned and kissed Sero passionately, "Thank youuu!" Sero rolled his eyes and pulled him into cuddles, "Mhm" They cuddled until late afternoon when Shinsou texted Denki again telling him he's getting ready, "Sero. You gotta get ready now or you'll be lateee!"

Sero groaned burying his face deeper into Denki's chest, "Mm' where we even goin?" "Arcade!" Sero quickly looked up, "I- fuck you for knowing me so well" Denki chuckled and kissed his nose, "You know you love me" Sero sighed, "I suppose" He got up slipping on one of Denki's hoodies (May or may not have been purposely :>) and walked out sitting by a desk in a park Denki texted him, "I swear if he stands me up I'm murdering Den-" "Oh Sero, I wouldn't stoop that low" Sero flinched and turned to see the purple-headed individual walk up, Sero hummed standing. "Sorry for assuming, I'm surprised you came. Arcades don't seem like your type of thing" Shinsou clicked his tongue cocking his head to the side, a new habit of his he noticed recently, "They're not, too loud and immature for me. I agreed to this so I could talk to you" Sero looked a little surprised, "M-Me?" Hitoshi lightly tapped Sero's forehead with his knuckles out of annoyance, "Who else?" Sero folded his arms and huffed, "Unecessary- but about what"

Shinsou sat at the desk and patted the spot next to him making Sero sit next to him, "So-" "Sorry" Sero was once again surprised, "Sorry for the glares, what I did to Denki, everything. I thought it'd be funny when I agreed with Monoma but I was being an asshole..." Sero genuinely didn't know how to respond, Shinsou never seemed like the apology type. Sero smiled, "Hey, don't worry bout' it amigo. How about we go to a cat Cafe and hang out there intead, y'know so it's more fair to you. Food and cats-" Before Sero kept rambling Shinsou quickly stood up dragging him by his arm to the nearest cat Cafe since he knew every one of them in the area.

Sero walked back in being greet my Denki and a huge tackle hug, "I missed youuuuu!" Sero chuckled kissing his boyfriend's forehead with a smile, "Missed you too" He picked Denki up and curled up in the bed with him. "So how'd it go?" Sero ruffled Denki's hair, "While I'm not too please about you planning this behind my back. I had fun" Denki grinned leaning into Sero with a soft sigh of releif, "I'm glad...also while you were gone I was thinking about something and I need to be honest with you.." Sero kissed Denki's forehead, "You can tell me anything" Denki to a deep breath and looked away from Sero biting his lip, "I...still like Shinsou..."

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