Chapter 4

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Theres a lot of texting in this chapter-

Denki heard his alarm go off and natrually went to try to hit the snooze button, but another hand stopped him which scared the crap out of him, he thought he was going to be murdered, "You've hit snooze 3 times, get up" Kaminari recognized the voice as Shinsou's, which jogged the memory of where he was, "Alright. Get up" Denki yawned and tiredly sat up,blinkin a few times to try to clear his vision. Shinsou was already standing there in full uniform, "You have to walk all the way to your dorm to change, I suggest you hurry" Denki bolted out the door before Shinsou could remind him he was in his hoodie and left his clothes.

Denki met up with Kirishima at his dorm door, "Kiri, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be with Bakubro walking to class?"  "He's coming, Mina and I wanted to check up on you, also.... where are your clothes?" Denki tilted his head in confusion before looking down and seeing what he was wearing, Denki sighed slipping into his room and changing, "Probably still in Shinsou's room. I ended up sleeping over" Kiri smirked, "So was it fun?" Denki blushed and smiled, "Yeah!" Kiri gave him a thumbs up, "Good for you bro" Kirishima and Denki's phones went off and saw their group chat.

Bakusquad 💥✌️

PinkyOwU: Guys, just come to class, I know we were to meet but Bakugou
Got into another (one-sided) fight with Deku, so we were just sent to class 🙄

Baby_Shark: Alright, thanks for the headsup Mina

Pikachu: Alright, we'll see you there

PinkyOwU: Oh and how was your date Denki?

Pikachu: Not a date Mina! But it was pretty fun

PinkyOwU: Whatever you say Kaminari~

Baby_Shark: Hey, I just noticed we havent seen Sero all day

PinkyOwU: He texted me privately he didn't feel well, so he isn't coming

Pikachu: Ok thx Mina!

Kirishima chuckled slightly at the blush across Denki's face, but didn't say anything as they walked to class. "So what about you Kiri?" Kiri looked up and tilted his head, "What do you mean?" "I mean, do you like anyone?" Kirishima blushed and looked at his feet, "Well yeah," Denki smiled, "Ooh lemme guess! It's Mina isn't it!" Kirishima choked out a laugh, "Nah dude, I'm gay, I thought everyone knew that by now" Denki pouted, "Well I didn't. Ooh is it Sero?" Kirishima shook his head, "Guess again" "Is he in the Bakusquad?" "Yep"

Kaminari's voice lowered his voice to just above a whisper, "Is it me..?" Kaminari and Kirishima looked at each other silently before Kirishima cupped his face, "Yeah... I love you Kami" Kaminari gasped softly, "Bro..." They stayed like that for a while before they burst out laughing, "Bros for life?" "Yep!"

Kaminari thought for a while, "But that just leaves... YOU LIKE BAKUGOU!?" Kirishima went red and covered his mouth, "Yes, but don't shout it!" Kaminari moved Kiri's hand and nodded, "Sorry bro" Kaminari smiled, "I'll ask out Shinsou tomorrow after school if you ask out Bakugou" Kirishima thought for a while then shrugged and smiled, "I've been meaning to try confess anyway," They both nodded and walked into the classroom

Time skip to afterschool-

Denki was on his way to get his clothes from Shinsou when he was Sero hiding himself in his hoodie, how did he know it was Sero? Because it was Sero's favorite hoodie which he wore WAY too often and it's kinda made him look like a drug dealer, well...more like a drug dealer than usual, "Hey Sero!" He seemed to flinch at the sound of his voice but slowly turned, "Hey Denki" Denki ran over panting, "I thought you didn't feel well?" Sero's eyes widened, "I uhm... felt better?" Denki hummed, "I was going to Shinsou's dorm cause I think I left some clothes in there, where you going?" Sero frowned, "I was going to get something to eat but suddenly I don't feel so good again, see you Denki." Before Kaminari could say anything Sero walked off leaving the poor Pikachu very confused, "Well okay then?" He ran the rest of they way and knocked on Shinsou's door, waiting a few moments before Shinsou opened it and handed him his clothes. Denki smiled, "Thanks Toshi!" Shinsou facepalmed but elected to ignore that name right now, "And my hoodie?" Denki nodded and pulled it out his bag. "Oh also can you meet me behind the school tomorrow when classes end, it's really important" Shinsou raised an eyebrow but nodded and shut his door.

Denki smiled, and ran back to his room texting Kiri.

Shark_Bro 🦈💪 

Pikachu: Kiri! 😄

Baby_Shark: Yeah bro? 😁

Pikachu: Remember the deal, I'm supposed to meet Shinsou after school tomorrow

Baby_Shark: Yeah, Bakugou is meeting me at my dorm. Also hes right next to me

Pikachu: Hey Bakugou!

Baby_Shark: He said Hi

Pikachu: .... What did he actually say-

Baby Shark: "Tch" TwT

Pikachu: Thought so TvT, Anyway see ya!

Baby Shark: Bye bro!

Denki turned off his phone and changed into his Pikachu hoodie, playing video games until he fell asleep


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