Chapter eleven

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I rolled out of bed as I heard the alarm clock go off.

"What the hell" I said as I felt someone's arms around my waist. I looked over to see Nick nestled close to where my body once laid.

"Shh that damn alarm clock" Nick moaned.

"I'm working on it. let me go" I slipped out of bed feeling Nick's arms slid away from me.

I grabbed the alarm clock and hit the silence button. Finally peace and quite. I looked back over to Nick. He still looked sound asleep. Both of us still wearing our clothes giving me the sign that I still had my virginity. Nick just looked so cute sleeping. His dirty blond hair all a mess as if he had been running his hands though it all night.  I rolled  back into bed cuddling up close to him. My face resting close to his chest.

"April it's rodeo day. Get up honey" I felt a pair of hands rubbing my lower back.

"I'm up" I rolled back out of bed probably only getting an extra five minutes of sleep after having to shut that damn alarm clock off.

"Nick get up" I pushed at Nick's shoulder.

"Stop" Nick smacked my hand away.

"Get up" I grabbed a pair of jeans from my suit case.

I switched out my pair of sleeping pants into my jeans. I looked over at Nick to see him looking at me.

"What are you starring at?" I asked.

"You. I can't believe you just got dressed with me sleeping here" he sat up still not breaking eye contact with me. I started to laugh.

"I still had a my undergarments on" I looked back at my bag trying to find my hair brush.

"You mean your bra and underwear. Which is a matching blue set" I looked back at him.

"Yes. And obviously you were watching" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Can't help it. I still haven't..." He trailed off.

I looked back at him. Did he just mention we hadn't had sex? oh my God. My face turned a pink color.

"You mean sex?" I finished his sentence.

"April let's not get bent out of shape." He started.

"I'm not getting bent out of shape. I'm just surprised you would even say that" I looked away as I pulled my hair back into a pony tail.

"April. I know your not ready that's why I didn't say anything. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that" I felt Nick's hand wrap around my shoulder. I sucked in a breath.

"I don't care Nick. I'm not ready. Sorry if you can't deal with that" I looked at him quickly before I got off the edge of the bed and made way to the door.

"April" Nick called from the mattress. I slowly turned around to see Nick looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you" he gave me a sheepish smile making me smile back at him.

"I love you too Nick" I stepped out of the trailer starting my rodeo day.

**** Bull riding event

I sat quietly in the stands. The bull Nick had drawn was a little devil himself. It was a bull that no bull rider had ever stayed on for the whole eight seconds. I started to chew on my bottom lip as I watched the boys set him on the bull. I watched almost in slow motion as Nick nodded his head for the boys to open the gate. The gate swung open releasing the wild ass bull. The bull came out swinging to the right as it bucked. I sucked in a breath in till the buzzer rang sounding off the eight seconds were over. NICK MADE IT THE WHOLE EIGHT SECONDS!!! I screamed  in my head. I jumped  off the bleachers screaming that he did it. My boy made it. Nick raced to the railing to get away from the bull letting the bull fighters take care of him. He threw his hat up in  the air just before he pointed to me. My smile only grew for him.  There was Nick, my Nick, making first on the bulls.

I raced down to the cowboy only area. I spotted Nick standing there taking off his chaps. I race up to him jumping on his back. I giggled as I heard him grunt and then start to spin as my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Nick stop" I laughed out.

He started  to spin faster and faster. I was slowly losing my grip on him. He sensed me slowly slipping off so he stopped spinning just in time. My feet hit the ground finally.

"There's my girl" Nick leaned down giving me a slow kiss. I heard whistles and wolf howls behind me. I broke the kiss. I turned around to see Kevin and a few more cowboys standing around looking at me and Nick.

"Get some" one yelled at Nick.

I started to laugh as I felt Nick's arms wrapped around my waist.

"Who says I don't get any?" I looked over at Nick raising an eyebrow up at him.

"Yeah boys. I watched her lead him into her trailer. Maybe some birthday sex" Kevin gave me a sly wink. I laughed. Stupid boys always thinking about sex.

"Yeah we rocked that trailer" Nick kissed my cheek. I pushed him off laughing at the boys.

"Yeah totally" I said with sarcasm playing on my lips.

I turned around walking backwards. I waved goodbye to the cowboys before I started to walk away. I couldn't believe them And Nick. He just played along as if it wasn't a big deal! But I guess that's just boys. I walked  up to my trailer. Rose was bustling around trying to get her horse Montana ready for his run.

"What not gonna get brandy ready for me?" I asked as she raced beside me.

"Where's  his boots? I can't find the barrel racing boots!" she  mumbled to her self.

"Uh... Rose their right here" I held up a pair of bright pink front leg boots for the horse.

"Oh my Gosh YES!!" she squealed. She ran right up to me yanking the boots out of my hands.

"Your welcome" I mumbled to her as she started to strapped the boots to the horse's legs.  I walked into the trailer looking for my barrel racing saddle. It was time to ride

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