Chapter fourteen. Its today

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"Were did I put that hoof pick" I tapped my chin as I looked around my tack box.

"I know I had it in here" I looked around the brushes just as my hand ran over it.

"There you are" I smiled as I picked up the hoof pick. I walked over to Brandy who was tied up in cross ties. I picked up her front white foot picking out the shit that had collected in it over night.

As I finished her hooves I looked up and down the hallway. Today was the big day and you could tell. All different horses were tied up in the hallway as some roping boys were tacking up their horses in their stalls because there was no room for them in the hallway. I smiled. You could fell the excitement and nervousness in the air. I looked over at Brandy. She starred back at me with her ears perked to attention.

"I know. I know soon baby girl soon" I whispered to Brandy as I patted her muscular neck. I grabbed a brush and started to clean off the wood chips from Brandy's coat. Rose came running up behind me.

"Whoa girl where you going so fast?" I asked as she unhooked Montana from his cross ties. She lead him back into his stall just before she started to run past me again.

"Rose" I grabbed her arm to stop her. She spun around on her heels looking straight at me.

"I'll be back in time. I have to take care of something" she tugged out of my grip leaving it at that. Brandy turned her head nudging my arm playfully.

"What?" I laughed. She started throw her head up. I started to chuckle at my crazy horse.

"You want to run?" I patted my knees with my hands. I probably looked like I was calling my dog bit I could care less. Brandy started to bounce her head again.

"You want to bet all them horses" I sounded like I was talking to my baby now. Brandy bounced her head again and again.

"Soon" I started to brush her again.


I stood there watching girls running up and down the alley way as they entered and excited the ring. I started to fumble around with the rains in my hand. Ten girls out of the fifteen had already ran. So many good time runs and Montana and Rose ran a straight fifteen second run for their first time ever. I bit my bottom lip as I became scared of losing. Just as another girl excited with a time of 14.89 seconds my blood became cold. I was bond to lose now.

"April Turner your next" a man tapped my shoulder.

I nodded my head as I hoped up onto Brandy. Then I stopped. I wasn't the last rider this time like always. I was like third to last this time. You can do this April. Trust your horse to carry you home. I told myself quietly in my head. I eased Brandy up to the gate. Her hooves started to paw at the ground as if it was lighting striking the ground. I sucked in a breath. Here go's the ride of a life time.

"Get!" I collided my heels into Brandy's side.

We cut through the air as if we were a knife. As we pounded away to the barrels I could make out thousands of people in the stands hollering for us. A smile/smirk crossed my face. As we round the last barrel I leaned down on Brandy's neck.

"Let's show them what we have" I whispered just before my spurs kicked her sides again.

Brandy's strides ate up the arena ground as her hooves pounded down on the ground as if it was thunder. We were a lighting storm heading home. As we raced out of the gate I heard the announcer suck in a breath. My breathing slowed down as I jumped off of Brandy who was prancing around like an idiot. Blood pounded in my ears as I petted her sweaty neck. I slowed down my breathing as I waited for my time to be announced. It never came. I waited a few more minutes in till the last cowgirl rode out of the arena. Her time 14.56 seconds. God I lost this one was all that flew in my head.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have our results. Cowboys and cowgirls if you hear your name walk on out to revive your belt buckle. For team roping Johnny and Damon Norman. For bulldogging Cody Pretterson. Bull riding Nick Smith..." I broke out screaming for Nick as he walked into the center of the arena stepping up onto a plat form.

I was so happy for him. The silly smile and slight blush on his cheeks just proving his happiness and the fact he heard my screaming. Oh yeah I'm that kind of girlfriend. Just then I heard the announcer say barrel racing with a long pause. I sucked in a nervous breath. Come on come please be me please I crossed my fingers.

"April Turner with a time of fourteen point twenty five seconds!" the announcer practically yelled into the speaker.

I jumped up into the air releasing all my nerves. I started to walk up to the podium. My knees felt like they would give away any minute. I smiled a charming smile to all the people in the stands shouting my name while jumping up and down. Stepping up onto the plat form. I made my way next to Nick were I placed myself.

"Congrats" a gray hair old cowboy shook my hand before handing me my buckle.

I looked down at the gold and silver buckle. In the middle of the circular buckle was a barrel racing girl. Below that read my name in pretty writing. And above the racer read what I had just won. Wrangler nation rodeo Barrel racing champion. I smiled to myself.

Looking up I spotted the other cowboys admiring their buckles too. I looked over at Nick. Nick was admiring his buckle until his eyes roamed the other winners and found me looking. I gave him a smile bigger then our buckles.

Before I knew what happened next I felt his arm around my waist as his lips collided on to mine. I heard whistles coming from behind Nick and in the stands. I separated from him. I rolled my eyes as I shoved his shoulder playfully.

How could he do that in front of the whole rodeo group along with the tv cameras playing live feed on tv? I wondered in my head as we started to step down from the podium. Nick wrapped his arm around my waist as we started to walk.

"Congrats" I whispered to him as I laid my head down on his shoulder.

"Congrats to you" he squeezed my hand that didn't hold my belt buckle.

Is this what love feels like? Have I found a love other then the love of the rodeo and horses? Will Nick always be here for me? The questions raced though my head as I held Nick's hand. I mean not every first love makes it though. Right?

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