Chapter eight Eliza

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I pulled up to the next rodeo in Oklahoma. I had been driving for at lest four hours be for I had finally reached the rodeo grounds. I yawned as I parked the trailer in a open gap by the woods. I jumped out as Rose was still passed out in the passenger seat sleeping. I unloaded the horses. As I finished tieing up Brandy I felt some hands go around my waist.

"Hi" I giggled as I felt Nick's head rest on my shoulder.

"Hey" he took his arms off my waist from behind.

"You ready to get signed in?" he asked as we started to walk off.

"Yeah" I said.

We started to walk to get to the sign in tent. Nick's arm wrapped around my waist. I looked over at him. He gave me a playful smirk be for his fingers began to tickle my sides.

"Stop" I laughed out as I started to move away from him.

"Excuse me"  I head a female voice call out behind me and Nick.

I spun around to face her. A medium sized girl with dirty blond hair stood there in jeans boots and a show shirt. I gave her a friendly smile.

"Yes?" I answered

"Do you know where the sign in tent is?" she asked.

"Yeah. Actually me and Nick are going over there. How about you join us?" I offered.

She nodded as she caught up to us.

"I'm April and this is Nick" I stuck out my hand.

"Eliza" she shock my hand.

"Nice to meet you Eliza" I answered as we almost reached  the tent.

"Hey how about you come join me and April at our little day be for the rodeo bonfire tonight" Nick offered.

"I'd love that. I'm kinda here alone" Eliza answered

"I'll come and get you at night fall then" I spoke up.

"See you then" she said as I signed my name on a paper and handed my money to the rodeo lady.

Me and Nick walked back to my trailer. I spotted Rose sitting on the tailgate.

"Did you sign me in?" she asked.

"No that's not my job" I stated.

"Fine" she rolls her eyes

"You have to set up for tonight then" she called over her shoulder.

"I can do that" I yelled  after her.


"Everybody this is Eliza. Eliza this is Nick who you already know. Rose and Kevin" I pointed out to Eliza. Everyone nodded as if to say hey.

I walked over to Nick siting in his chair. I plopped down on his lap as I took a swig of his beer. I spotted Eliza standing off in the shadows. This was not a real get together in less she had some fun.

"Oh Eliza come join us" I gestured to the set next to Rose.

She sat down next to Rose. I watched as the two of them tried to have a small conversation. That was in till Eliza got up with a phone pressed to her ear. I watched her as she was talking on the phone in the dark. I had a tense feeling that this phone call was not a pleasant one. Suddenly I was right as Eliza collapsed on her ass.

"Eliza" I shot up off of Nick's lap and ran to her side. I bent down next to her as my hand rested on her shoulder. I could hear her conversation.

"Tomorrow. I'll be back tomorrow" she said shaky.

There was a long pause. I sucked in a breath. My gut twisted up in a knot. I felt Rose's hand rest on my shoulder. Then I spotted Nick and Kevin on the other side of Eliza. She let the phone drop to the ground. She started to shake with grief as her head rested in her hands.

"Eliza what's the matter?" I tried to keep my voice soft and even.

"Th...e...Boy....I...lo..." she chocked out.

"Oh Eliza I'm so sorry" I wrapped her in my arms and Rose did the same.

"Let go of me" she wiggled out of mine and Rose's arms. She started  to walk off. I knew she wanted to be alone but sometimes it pays to have a friend. I jumped up off the ground and run to her side.

"I'm sorry. I know your having a hard time. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed when people say someone is dieing. I've gone though a lot of deaths myself. So I know how it feels" I could see that she was watching me out of the corner of her eye. I sighed.

"And some day your gonna lose your horse too. But as long as your horse is here or as long as you can ride a horse you ell always have  something to get lost in. My horse Brandy has helped me a lot when I lost every one in my family. I'm sure  Your horse can do the same  for you" I finished up as she loaded up her mare in her trailer.

She let out a shaky breath. I could tell she was thinking it over.

"So your leaving now?" I asked.

"Yeah  I need to get home as soon as I can" she answered.

"I understand. Here's my number. If you need a friend to talk to or even need me to come and see you all I'm only a phone call away" I said as I handed over a small piece of paper.

"Will do" she  jumped in her truck.

"See you" she called as the truck roared to life.

I stepped back as she pulled away from the grounds. She was probably in no condition to drive but there was no way you could stop her now. I gave a shaky smile as I felt a strong pair of hands on my shoulders.

"She'll be fine" Nick said softly

"I know. Anyway we got a rodeo tomorrow so we should hit the hay" I clapped my hands together and looked at Nick.

His eyes showed concern. I gave  him my best smile but even then he's eyes still held the concern. I gave him a quick kiss before I started back off to my trailer. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I had a text from a strange number. I opened it up.

Thanks for being a friend I needed on such short notice. You might soon regret giving me your number.

I smiled at the message.

Anytime. I'll never regret that decision of giving you my number I promise you that :)

I replied. Nick came up to my side. He took my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. I gave him a tiny smile. I don't think I was ready for my next rodeo.

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