Chapter fifteen Four years later

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"Ladies and gentleman for the fourth year in a row Nick Smith is our all around bull rider" the announcer announced as the crowed burst out into screams.

"And for our Barrel racer for the fourth time in a row April Turner" the crowed went wild again.

I waved my hand to the crowed as I walked to the podium. I stepped up next to Nick. Which by the way was still all mine. I turned and looked at him. His eyes locked with mine sending a shiver down my back as his face turned a light shade of red.

"Nick is there anything you want to say?" the announcer placed a microphone in his hands. His face turned even more red as he swallowed hard.

"Well, I only have one question for one girl" Nick looked back at me. I gave him a small smile. He slowly knelt down on his knee as his eyes stayed on mine. I took in a deep breath. This can't be happening I thought. My breathing stopped all together as he pulled out a ring box as he gave me a sheepish smile.

"I love you April with all my heart. You've turned into my everything these last four years of my life and I couldn't imagine life with out you. I want to become an old cowboy out riding on the range to check the cattle with you riding next to me. So will you marry me Mizz April Turner?" Tears started to form in my eyes.

I'm not hoing to cry. Im not one of those girls I reminded myslef before wipping my eyes. I can't believe Nick just said all of that. All of that for me. FOR ME!! My mind started to go a hundred miles per hour. But one thing stayed still. I was going to marry the cowboy of my dreams.

"Yes" I chocked out. I threw my body at him. I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I felt his lips start to kiss my cheeks. A smile crossed my face as I started to laugh as we stood up.

"This ok" he opened up a ring box.

The ring was a silver horse shoe nail. Just like I had been talking about for the past couple of months. I nodded my head as he slipped the ring onto my ring finger. It fit like a charm. I smiled at him before I looked back down at the ring.

"KISS HER" the crowed screamed out. They started to chant kiss her, kiss her.

"let's make them happy Mrs. Smith" Nick smirked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not your wife yet" I poked him in his chest. He grabbed my waist pulling me into his chest. I placed my hands on his chest giving him my own smirk.

"Just kiss me" he's smile turning more evil as his hands pushes on my lower back making me come closer to him. My smile increased.

"You kiss me. I mean you did pop the question to me so you kiss me" I shoved his chest with my hands. Nick rolled his eyes playfully before leaning down towards me. His hot breath fanning out across my lips encouraging me to just kiss the boy already.

"Fine" he leaned down his lips grazing mine.

I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him in to deepen the kiss. I felt him smile in the kiss just before he broke the it. All the cowboys started to whistle and holler at us. I gave him a playful smirk as we were dismissed to leave the podium. I started to walk down the steps as I felt someone pick me up bridle style. I wrapped my arms around Nick's neck.

"You don't have to do this. You know I can walk" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I need practice before I have to take you into our room" He gave me a devilish grin as his hands gripped onto me a little tighter. I threw back my head laughing at him.

"Careful cowboy" I smiled at him. My smile only grew though. This wasn't just a cowboy fling it was real lovee at the rodeo.

*****The wedding

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