Chapter one Texas baby

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I pulled up into the rodeo grounds. Horse trailers where parked every where. People we just taking their sweet time getting ready for the rodeo tomorrow.

"We're here" Rose squealed next to me. I laughed and nodded.


"Oh look at himmm" she dragged out the m in him as she pointed to a cute boy walking with a girl.

"Um NO. He has someone"

"Please compared to you she is nothing." Her tone told me she wasn't joking around.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked as I parked the truck and trailer away from every one else. At theses things I prefer my privacy.

"You have the boobs, ass, and the curves that every boy wants. And me well I got boobs and an ass but my curves aren't as sharp as your's" I laughed as I jumped out of the truck and headed towards the horse trailer.

"You know it's true that girl was as skinny as a stick" She followed me as I tied up my horse.

"Shhh...Would you?"

"Fine but your eye candy" she said as she turned around to see if anyone was watching us.

"Yeah ok" I rolled my eyes.

"Lets go look around" she grabbed my arm trying to get me to fallow. Digging my toes into the dry Texan sand I shook my head.

"You go and I'll get the horses settled in" I shoed her off as I rolled my eyes when she was gone. I could already see me doing all the horse work while she goofs off.

**** A few hours later

I sat on my tail gate waiting for Rose to get back. How long does it take for a girl to just look around? The rodeo grounds honestly can't be that big. I looked down at my phone. I don't know why though because Rose was really my only friend.

"Hey April" Rose's voice called out

"Hey over here" I called as I jumped up off the tailgate.

As I looked over at her to give a lecture I saw a boy standing next to her. A sight I honestly didn't think would happen so soon. He was the boy Rose had pointed out earlier. I sucked in a breath. This is probably how your parents feel when you bring home a lost dog home and they have to tell you no. Well the only difference is that this dog is more like 6 foot tall black hair boy and can get your best friend pregent. But other than that dogs and boys are the same.

"Who's this?" I pointed to the boy trying my best not to be one of those quick to judge assholes of the girlfriend's friend. Even though their not dating. I mean their not dating this quickly are they? They can't be right? We're still in the liking stages.

"Oh this is Hunter. Hunter this is April I've been telling you about" Rose twirled a piece of her hair. She was trying her best to flirt which was just making her look more and more desperate. The years of being concealed from normal teen dating lessons showing up in this pathetic attempt to look cute.

"Howdy" he tipped his hat to me.

I smiled at him. Well it was more as a forced smile for the fact of how he was affecting my friend. She looked like a lost puppy dog who thought she found her master.

"Hunter tell her" she shock his arm as a silly little girl wanting a toy or something. a goofy smile plastured on her face. Hunter didn't seemed fazed with her reactions or how funny she was acting .

"Ok ok" he laughed. His laughing seeming less happy as he separated himself slightly from Rose's grasp.

"There's a big bonfire tonight with all the cowboys and cowgirls and I was wondering if you two would love to join us" he said almost shyly.

"I don't know..."

"Oh come on April we are here to have fun. So tonight let's have some fun" Rose whined.

 I knew she was right but I also didn't know anyone there. Well maybe I would know Hunter and Rose but part of me knew those two weren't going to be sticking around with me. But the look on Rose's face was just enough to let me know she wants this. And just maybe this would work out for the two of us. Just maybe.

"Fine" I gave in with out even truly trying my hand at a fight.

"Oh my God thank you" she ran into my body giving me a huge hug rocking me back and forth.

"Ok ok I can't breath" I laughed out. I spotted Hunter standing there completely uncomfortable.

Rose let go of me and turned around and gave Hunter her dazzling smile. It's nice to see that her whole brain isn't lost I thought over in my head.

"See you by the fire by night fall?" She suggested.

"See you then" He turned around and waved goodbye as he made his way back from where he came from.

"We have to get ready!" Rose squealed as she left for the truck to find her and my suit cases. So maybe not my best idea.

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