Chapter Three So I lose my first kiss

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"Wake up wake up!" I yelled  to Rose as I slipped on my jeans.

Both of us had slept in longer then we truly should have. Me and Rose have a lot if shit to do before the rodeo starts. I heard her moan in responds. I rolled my eyes at her. She would probably have a hang over. I started to button up my teal and black plaid shirt. I was ready. Deciding to be a nice friend I quickly grabbed some pills and some water. Setting it beside Rose I starred down at her.  Really the only reason I was up was because Nick had text me not to long ago to make sure I was up.

"Rose get the hell up" I gently nudged her side with my boot. Ok so the nice friend was slowly leaving.

"I'm up" she growled

"Good" I matched her tone.

I opened up the tack room door allowing the bright Texan morning sun hit my face. The warmth starting to already suffocating my lungs. It was going to be a hot one.

"The sun! It burns!" I laughed at the sight of Rose. She was crawling back under the covers with a hiss of a cat. She was really starting to feel those beers now.

  Pulling back my hair into a tight pony tail I hopped out of the room and made my way over to the tied up horses. I had my trusty bay quarter horse mare named Brandy while Rose had her dappled gray gelding named Montana. Both of our horse were around 14'3 hands high and were built stocky. Making them ideal barreling horses. Brandy whinnied at me as I grabbed a flake of hay and placed it in each of their hay bags. I checked their water. As I dumped more water into Montana's bucket before I heared a deep southeren voice call my name. I spun around to see Nick standing not to far away with two horses at his side.

"Morning" I called as the water dumped into the bucket. My eyes shifting between the water dumping and Nick.

"Morning. You seem ready" he answered. I chuckled before setting down the bucket moving some stray hairs out of my face.

"Yeah I got to be. I slept in and thanks to you I'm up" I turned around so I could talk to him face to face.

"I was just not being a stranger" he joked. A smile started to form on his face and mine. Maybe last night wasn't too bad.

"Good. There's enough strangers in this word? Who's horses?" I asked.

He had a beautiful black stud on his left and then a flaxen mane chestnut gelding on his right. They were both all tacked up and ready for a morning warm up. The saddles indacting that they where roping horses from the horn of the saddle.

"Oh this is Jackson and Sundance. Sundance is mine and Jackson is my team roping partner's." Jackson was the black stallion and Sundance being the chestnut with the flaxen mane.

"Their beautiful" I walked up and petted Sundance's white blaze that ran down his face. He nudged his head into my hand. Sundance was a color I've never truly seen in person. His mane and tail a beautiful bright white that contrasted amazingly with his bronze almost very light red colored body.

"He likes you" Nick's southeren voice reached my ears. I glanced towards Nick who seemed to be quite shocked at Sundance's reaction.

"I like you too" I whispered in the horses ear be for I kissed it on its nose. Sundance's ears Flickering towards me at the small affection he received.

"Well now I know how to get you to talk to me" I looked at Nick with a confused look.

"The horse. Your in love with him. I should just bring him around more" he winked at me. The simple gesture bringing out a small amount of color to my cheeks.

"Yup. My heart is married to horses and there's no way you can change that" I smiled at Sundance. his soft brown ones watched me with interest.

"Hmm... Well I got to warm them up. Watch me when I go in?"he asked. Nick's eyes full of hope with the simple question.

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