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For the second time now I've been challenged by Ellimination_Rogers to answer some questions for you all. So here it is:

1) post all rules

2) tag 13 people

3)answer all questions

4) don't skip tags

5)think of a creative tittle

6)don't post in comments but I'm chapters

1)What's your favorite saying?
Okay so honestly I have two. First one I always grew up on and it's " if nothing's broken get back on the horse". My grandma use to say that all the time so much when I had my accident and probably shouldn't have gotten back on I got back on anyways cause her voice was in my head. But my second one that's been a small life motto for me and a friend is "life's too short to date ugly men and ride slow horses". Which is perfect since I'm a barrel racer.

2)Who's you're favorite person?
This question can come up a lot but it's one of the hardest question to answer. I've got to say though my grandma stormer is my go to woman. Family problems, horse issues, just everything go's by her. She's the one woman who taught me how to ride and started the horse blood in my family.

3) If you could travel where would you go?
Okay so I do travel a bit which is kinda hard with horses. I love Montana and Wyoming. I use to live in Wyoming for a while but we moved which is kinda sad. So when my grandma go's out west every summer to see a family friend I've tagged alone and love it. I will always want to travel there again and again.

4) How many brothers/sisters do you have?
None of both

5) Favorite singer or band?
Love different songs from different people but I went and saw Garth brooks in concert and love the older country music so Garth Brooks.

6) Favorite movie?
Love lonesome Dove and always will

7) Can you drive?
I do have my permeant but I'm only fifteen right now so not fully.

8) Do I have all my fingers and toes?
Yes and hopefully I can keep it that way

9) On a scale of 1 being the lowest and ten the highest how attractive is Richard Armitage?
Uh honestly his looks don't do anything for me so maybe a two of not a one.

10) Elves or Dwarfs?

11) Are you afraid of clowns? If so why?
Their creepy but I'm not scared so no

12) Favorite creature?
Can I say Pegasus? I'm gonna screw it

13) what's your favorite Fantasy?
Uh I don't have one. So not sure how to answer this one for you besides I don't know.


Okay god that took sometime. Anyways so just answer the same questions I did I'm done with this. Have fun!!!

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