chapter seven on the road again

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"His fist is big but my gun is bigger....He'll find out when I pull the trigger" me and Rose sung along to the radio. Miranda Lambert Gun powered and lead echoed though my truck.

The song volume was turned down. I looked at Rose her hand rested on the volume button.

"Hey the song wasn't over yet" I complained

"I know" She sighed.

"Oook what's the matter"  I dragged out the O.

"Nothing besides you and Nick" she  nudged playfully.

"Ugh" I moaned

"Oh come on. Last night he kissed you TWICE. He kissed you TWICE and then you sat on his LAP" 

"Yeah I know it was my lips that hit his" I giggled out.

"Oh my gosh there is something going on" she squealed.

"Maybe" a huge smile broke my face while it turned red.

"Oh my. What's going on between you two?" she started to shake my arm.

"Hey I'm driving here" I yelled at her.

"Ok yeah sorry. But for real how close are you two now?" she  whispered almost. I laughed at her.

"Like dating" I struggled my shoulders trying to play it cool. But inside I felt like dieing all over again like the time he asked me out.

"I knew it!!" she kicked up her feet and smiled.

"Yeah. Anything else" I glanced at her and flashed a smile.

"Yeah. How you gonna date him on the rodeo circuit?" she asked.

"I don't know really. He just told me be for he left that he wanted me to be his and he didn't want to see me walking around with some other guy" I smiled as I remembered him saying that. He had whispered it just be for he left for his truck with Kevin.

"Ooooh ok" she glanced out of the window

"What about Kevin?" I asked

"Oh he's ok I guess. I would just say last night was for fun. I don't think it's gonna be any thing like yours" I could tell she  was a little disappointed by this.

"Hey you ell find Mr. Right. Just don't look hard k? I think you should just live life. He will come someday" I encourage her.

"I know I know" She  cranked up the radio again.

Cowboy by Randy Houser came on.

I spotted  the border line of Texas and Oklahoma. 

"Oklahoma here we come ready or not" I whispered under my breath as my foot pressed the gas pedal a little harder.

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