chapter two the party lord help me

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"H...E...double hockey sticks No" I said from inside the trailer.

"Oh stop being chicken and get you ass out here so I can see how hot you look"  Rose yelled back.

I opened up the trailer tack room door and steeped out. I felt so un dressed. The tang top I had on was low cut and stuck to my body as if it was my second skin. Then the shorts I had on (Rose picked out) were only an inch or two bellow my ass. They were a dark pair that went along with my black top. I gave her my best puppy eyes. I will didn't want to wear this.

"Please let me put on a t-shirt or a pair of jeans on so I don't  feel like a buckle bunny" I whined. My eyes scanning over my outfit again. I looked completely like a buckle bunny with my boots.

"Fine here" Rose threw a tight sweat shirt at me.

"Thanks" I mumbled. It was a away too hot Texas summer night for me to be wearing this sweat shirt with out over heating myself.

I looked Rose up and down. We were both dressed similar. We both had booty shorts on with tight tang tops that showed off our curves and our favorite cowboy boots were on our feet. Roses's being her dark brown boots with bright pink stitching. Mine where my American flag boots. With the stars and blue on my toe and the red and white strips on the top of the boots. But even with my boots on I couldn't stop thinking that there's a chance one of us is going to get raped.

"We are hot" Rose said as she twirled me around and I did the same for her.

I laughed . We were both big country dorks.

"Ready?"  Rose said as a question but started dragging me against my own will towards the opposite end of the field. Looks like doesn't matter if I am or not.

Darkens fell upon the Texas land as a blanket as we made our way towards the fire. Me and Rose walked in silence which was soon broke by a male voice.

"Rose and......" his voice trailed off.

Me and Rose turned around to see who knew us. When we turned around me and Rose spotted Hunter running up to us. His facial features and body frame hard to identify in the dark but with the small squeal Rose gave out I was pretty sure it was Hunter.

"Hey" Rose said with her flirty voice causing my eyes to roll on their own. I could already tell this night wasn't going to be too great for me.

"Hi" I said blankly.

"I see you two could make  it. Looking as good as always or maybe better" he winked at Rose.

She responded with a girly giggle. I rolled my eyes again at this girl. I couldn't believe this girl and how easily she falls apart when ever it comes to this boy.

"So what rodeo are you two hitting after this one?"  He tried to make small talk as we started our way back to the fire.

"We are going to start the wrangler national rodeo circuit after this one" I answered since Rose was to busy looking up at him.

"Oh cool"

Then he whispered something into Rose's ear which made her giggle like a little school girl. Ok I thought as I started to walk away from the two love birds. They were starting to make me sick. I never really had a crush on any one and never really wanted to go out on a date. So seeing couples or people flirting sometime made me sick to my stomach. Not to mention the two that I left in the dust.

I was close to the fire now. I didn't want to face all them people alone so I spun around to see if I could spot the two love birds I had left. They were pretty much in the same spot as they were when I left. I felt a small hand wrap around my wrist and start to pull me towards the fire. I turned around to see a smallskinny girl with as far as I could tell black hair.

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