Chapter nine Day of the rodeo

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I woke up with the buzzing of my alarm clock. I sighed  as I shut it off. It was seven in the morning.

"Is it time?" Rose moaned

"Yeah it's time"  I answered as I stretched out my arms.

I looked out the trailer window. The sun was barely touching the once night sky. I sighed. I wounded were Eliza was. But most importantly I was wondering how she was holding up. I looked back at my phone. No messages from her or anyone for that matter of fact.

I rolled out of bed. I jumped up and grabbed my hoodie. I slipped it on and pulled my hair back into a pony tail. I slipped  on my boots and went to my chores. I filled up the water buckets for the horses. I heard a whistle behind me. I turned around to see Nick leaning up against my truck. I set the bucket down. I folded my arms up around my chest.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you wearing any pants?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

I looked down at myself. The hoodie was about two sizes to big to me. Since the hoodie was too big it covered up my booty shorts I was wearing. I did look like I had no pants on but only boots and a sweat shirt.

"Yeah you know. I like this look" I strugged my shoulders.

We both started to laugh. He walked up to me. I was trying to control my laughter. His arm wrapped around my waist making me calm down my laughter. His hand was firmly placed on my lower back. I looked up at him as my body was held against his.

"I like you looking that way. You look almost as good as you do when you riding" He winked.

I giggled as my cheeks turned red. I rolled my eyes.

"Me pft. Never" I smiled.

"Oh yes you" his lips came down against mine. Soft and tender kiss. I pulled away knowing that me and him could probably carry on forever if we wanted to.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear.

I looked up at him. My heart skipped a few beats. I didn't know he felt that way. My face showing confusion.

"You don't have to say it back. I don't want you to say in till your sure how you feel towards me." he placed his finger on my chin. I smiled at him.

"Thank you" was all I could mange to say. I was glad I didn't have to say it back. His lips touched mine again. More rougher kiss this time then the first.

"I need to get ready" I broke the kiss again. I started to walk off to the trailer.

"See you later. Get some pants on!" he yelled as he started to walk off.

I turned around to watch him walk off. A smile creeped crossed my face. He said I love you. My smile grew as I recalled his words. I shock my head. I had to get my head on straight for this rodeo. I have to minimize the distractions to day. I planned on getting to the finals meaning if I have to get rid of this boy I would. Or will try my hardest. Boys are only trouble anyways.

******the Rodeo Show

I sat on Brandy impatiently. My fingers chased each other around as I starred down at the saddle horn.

"April on deck with Brandy" a man called.

I nodded. I was always the last rider. I didn't mind it except I could hear everyone else's times plus I would have to wait. All I ever want to do is run. But everyone wants to hold me back. I sucked in a breath as brandy started to paw at the ground with her front hoof.

"Stop it" I smacked her front shoulder.

She turned her head to face me. She gave me a know it all look. I laughed. But my laughter was cut short when I heard my name being called. I jerked my head up to see a man pointing to the ring. It must be my turn. I nodded and started towards the ring.

Brandy started to prance the closer we got to the gate. When the gate swung open allowing us to enter in Brandy ran off. She didn't need my cue for her to run she just bolted on her own. We both knew the ordeal. Brandy spun around the last barrel. I kicked her sides hard as we raced down home stretch. We reached completely out of the gate. I pulled her to a holt out side of the arena. I turned around in my saddle as my nerves became a wreak. My hands gave a little shake as I waited for them to call out my time.

"Ladies and gentlemen that was April riding her horse Brandy with the time of 16.5 seconds. We have our second time champions!"  the man in the stands called out.

I threw up my arms. I had won for my second time. It felt as good as the first though. I jumped off of Brandy. I felt the hard stable ground touch my feet. And an arm wrapped  around my waist giving me a small twirl. I laughed.

"Good job rodeo queen" Nick's voice said be for I felt his warm mouth kiss my cheek.

"Thanks cowboy. You did pretty good on the bulls your self" I pushed at his shoulder.

"While thank you. But I got second not first" he tickled my side. I gave out a giggle.

"Well try harder" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I you would know" he laughed as he grabbed my hand. We started walking to the trailer.

"Did you watch me ride?" he asked

"You know I do. Just this time I forgot" I looked down at our hands.

Two months we have been together. I kinda found it funny. Normally a country girl ends up with a city boy. Never the cowboy she dreams of holding one day. So why was I having a cowboy holding my hand when both me and cowboys can't commit to anything.

"What you thinking about" Nick interrupted my thoughts.

"Nothing much" I looked me up at his face.

He had perfect features. Like his blond hair that was always a hot mess. His perfect blue eyes that went along perfectly with his framed out face with the rock soil cheek bones. He looked like one of those Texas cowboy models you saw pictures of on Google. The only difference was he was a real cowboy and he was mine.

"You are such a bad lier" he looked back at me. I smiled at him trying to think of a smartass comment. "But a pretty little lie" he gave me a charming smile.

"You mean a bull headed bitch that has a smartass comment for every thing" I pulled my hand away from his and started  to walk backwards in front of him. He gave me a smirk.

"I like my women bull headed and bitchy" I laughed at his comment.

"Yeah then I guess you picked a good one then" we reached my trailer. I tied up Brandy and started to un tack her.

"You know it's kinda funny how you admitted to being a bitch and bullheaded" Nick grabbed the saddle out of my hands and place it in the horse trailer tack room. He popped his head out of the trailer's door.

"Your something else Mizz April" Nick shook his head.

"I know" I gave him a stupid grin.

He jumped out of the trailer.

"I should probably get ready. You know since our next trip is to South Dakota. And then if I make it I'll see you in Las Vegas for the finals" he kissed me on the cheek be for he started  to walk off.

"You ell make it" he turned around ad looked at me.

"With you by my side you know it" he winked at me as I had a girly grin on my face.

Tomorrow I would have to leave for South Dakota.

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