Chapter five Celebrate the wins and laugh

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"Ok all is good" Rose said  from out side of the truck.

" K k" I said back.

I was sitting in the truck after talking to grandma stormer about the big win. I had just hung up on her since night fall was upon us and the boys would be here soon. My short's pocket started to vibrant as I jumped out of the truck. I looked down to see a text from Nick.

Be there soon beer on the way

I laughed at the message. I looked around the grass area in front of the trailer. Four lawn chairs sat in a circle around a small fire. I smiled at Rose. She was grinning ear to ear.

"Good job Rose" I set my hands on my hips with my back to the road.

"Thanks. Now we have a little party" Rose did a little jig.

I stood there for a moment. All of a sudden I heard a pig snort in my ear as someone's hands tazed me in my sides.

"EEE!!" I squealed as I jumped to a side trying to get away from that thing.

I turned around to see Nick and his friend toppled over laughing. Then I looked over at Rose who was practically rolling on the ground from laughing so hard. I glared at Nick. He had really scared the shit out of me.

"You jackass!"  I smacked his arm while he tried to stand up.

"Oh don't hit me I brought the beer" he grabbed my wrist and held up a six pack of  Budweiser.

"Eww I rather have whiskey" I whinned as I walked back over to my truck.

"Oh Rose this is Nick and...." I looked though my truck for my radio completely forgetting Nick's friends name.

"Kevin" I heard an other male voice said.

"Yeah Kevin... Oh found it" I grabbed the radio.

I placed the radio on the truck tail gate. I placed my Garth Brooks cd in. I sat down on one of the chairs next to Rose. She was smiling at Kevin.

"So is Hunter down the drain?" I nudged her arm.

"Please he was just one of those boys that daddy always warned us about" she smiled at Kevin again. 

I Folded my arms around my side's as I spotted Nick making his way to me. I sunck down in my chair.

"Nooo" I playfully said.

"What?" he walked off behind me.

I let out a small sigh. I removed my arms away when I felt my side's being tazed again.

"EEE!!" I screamed as my ass hit the ground.

I looked up at Nick who stood there laughing. I just sat there with my face turning red as a tomato.

"Oh I'm sorry April" Nick made his way over to me. Kevin and Rose were still trying to control their laughing.

"Yeah what ever" I took his outstretched hand in mine.

"I'm sorry. Forgive me?" he held my hands in mine. I rolled my eyes be for I took my hands out of his.

"I don't know..." I reached my hands out to his side's and tazed him back. He gripped my hands as he chucked.

"Aren't you cute" he laughed.

"I know" I gave him a big teethy grin

All four of us started to laugh. It was greet to be around all these people. Nick pulled me into his side as he grabbed a beer.

"I have friends in low places" he sang along with Garth Brooks.

"Not bad" I mumbled as I joined in with the singing.

I looked around the fire at me an  My new found friends sung along to the CD. I have  found friends that I didn't expect and a friend that I knew who had my back forever. I looked up at Nick. His deep voice started the chorus again when he looked down at me with a goofy grin on his face. He leaned in. His lips touched mine softly for a brief second be for I heard his deep voice continue to sing. I fluttered my eyes open to smile like an idiot up at his handsome face. Yup this was a rodeo full of wins and laughs.

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