Chapter Thirteenth. Big bright city. Just a little cowgirl

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What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas a big flashy sign read as I drove down the city street. Here we were in the city of sin and fun. The city of Vegas. I pulled into the arena's parking lot. Damn this arena building was huge. I backed the trailer up to the horse entrance doors.

"Rose look at this place" I flicked Rose in her nose so she would wake up. It worked. She stirred awake. Her jaw dropped open as she looked at the big gray dome building in front of us.

"Lets get the horses" I said already out of the truck making my way to the trailer. I unloaded Brandy as Rose went into the trailer to get Montana. We walked  the horses  up to the door to see a guard standing there with his arms crossed.

"Names?" he starred at the clipboard.

"April Turnner with Brandy. Rose Allen with Montana" I spoke for us.

"April stall four and Rose stall five" he opened up the door giving us enough room for me and the horses to fit though.

I nodded my thank you. The horses's shoed feet echoed though the cement hallways as we made it to the horse stalls. As we reached the horse housing area we started our search for the numbered stalls. There were fourteen stall doors with a B on them for barrel racing horses.

"Over here" I heard Rose call.

I walked over to were I had heard her voice. She was already placing Montana in his number five stall. So I lead Brandy into number four stall.

"Lets go get our tack" Rose elbowed my side as I shut the stall door. I nodded head. I couldn't wait for the rodeo to start.


I starred in awe at my suite. The Rodeo cirrute said they would pay for my room and God damn they did. I looked around the living room. Golden drapes hung on the Windows which had an amazing view of the city below. Then in the living room sat a plush leather couch on one side and a huge flat screen tv on the other side of the room. My back pocket started to vibrate. I pulled it out to see that I had a message  from Nick.

Nick: My room is too big :( Come stay with me?

Me: I'm Coming you big baby

I smiled as I put my phone back in to my pocket. I started  to make my way to the door when I heard Rose calling for me.

"Yeah?"  I hollered

"Where you going?" she popped her head out of the kitchen

"Over to Nick's. He's complaining his suite is to big since Kevin went home with the horses and he's all alone" I saw her face drop as she heard Kevin wasn't around.

"Oh ok" she went back into the kitchen.

I opened up the door. Just before I shut the door I heard Rose shout one more thing.

"Don't get pregent" is all I heard before I slammed the door shut. I quietly laughed  to myself as I replayed the words in my head.


I knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard Nick's voice call from the other end of the door.

I slowly opened up the door. His suite looked simarler to mine. I spotted Nick sitting on the couch watching Woman in black two. I had watched this movie lots of times so I knew what part came next. I silently crept up behind him. Just as the woman's face popped up on the screen I grabbed his shoulders.

"Boo!"  I yelled in his ear.

"What the..." He jumped  up out of his seat. He turned to look at me. His eyes softened a bit as I started  to die of laughter. I had never seen him so scared in his life.

"You think that's funny?" he asked. I just nodded my head because I couldn't speak from all the laughing.

"Not for long you won't" he gave me an evil smirk just before he lunged for me.

I gave out a high pitch girly squeal as I took off running around the couch. I looked for a safely spot as I ran around his kitchen table with him still hot on my trail. I spotted  an open door. I ran straight for it. Once I was in I hurried up and shut it in Nick's face. I locked the door quickly. I slid down with my back against the wall in till my ass hit the floor. I grabbed a hold of my stomach for it hurt so much from laughing.

"April" Nick cooded from the other side of the door.

I bit back my laughter. I took in the room I had just ran into for safety. I slapped my forehead. Has your health teacher ever teached you to stay out of risky situations? Yeah well I found myself in one. I was in Nick's bedroom. Oh well I couldn't do anything now. I got up off the floor making my way over to the bed. I slowly laid down on its plush matress. I cuddled up to one of the pillows as I heard a bang on the door.

"Stop it I'm trying to sleep" I yelled to the door.

I closed my eyes just as I heard the door screech open. I opened up one of my eyes to look at the door. Nick stood there leaning on the door frame with a bobby pin in his hand. He wore a smirk on his face.

"Go away I'm sleeping" I groaned

"Awe my pour baby girl" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm coming" just as he said that he starts to run to the bed.

Just before he hit the mattress he jumped up over top of me landing on the mattress next to me. I felt his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me into his chest as his head nestled into my hair. I snuggled deeper into the pillow.

"I love you April" he muffled into my hair.

"I love you too Nick" I whispered to him just before I shut my eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

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