Chapter ten birthday

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I sat quietly on the edge of the matress in the trailer. I had woke up to the locking of the trailer tack room door being locked from the outside. I starred at the empty matress. Rose had locked me in here. I knew she did. Back at home when it was my birthday she would lock me in the bathroom in till everything was set up the way she liked it. I guess this year would be no different. Except all the other years I didn't have to pea as bad as I do right now.

"Rose let me out or I'm gonna pea my pants!!!" I yelled out at her.

Just as I started to bang on the door it swung open. My blinked like crazy as the bright morning sun shunned in my eyes.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" shouted some voices outside the trailer.

I let my eyes adjust to the light. I looked out to see Rose standing there with Kevin and Nick. Rose and Nick held two presents while it looked like Kevin held out a cake with twenty candles on it.

"Thanks guys" I smiled as I jumped out of the trailer.

"Come sit. You have presents" Rose said all giddy like. I walked over to one of the lawn chairs and sat down.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything" I insisted

"Duh we didn't have too. We wanted to" Nick smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes. Kevin sat the cake on the table next to me. it was a flat cake with white frosting on it.  The writing written in green.

Your present from Kevin

I started to laugh as I noticed he signed the cake. Such a Kevin move.

"Here open mine up first" Rose shoved a medium size box in my lab. I looked up at her as if I was waiting for a catch.

"Well go on. Open it up" she encouraged.

I ripped off the purple birthday wrapping paper. I looked down at the duck tapped box. Gray duck tap covered the whole entire box. I looked up at her and  raised one of my eyebrows.

"Really?" I asked. She gave  me a innocent grin be for I took out my pocket knife to cut away the duck tap.

As I got the last piece off I opened up the box. In the box rest two things. I first pulled out the sweat shirt that laid on top. I looked it over. It was a midnight black with a barrel racing logo on the upper right corner on the front. As I turned the sweat shirt over I noticed what made it so special. It was the wording.

We're Young, dumb, but fast


Was written in block letters on the back. A huge smile spread across my face. Rose had got this sweat shirt personally made for me. I glanced at the size real quick. Medium. Thank God it would fit.

"Try it on" Rose starred at me

I stood up and slipped the black sweat shirt on over top my green tang top. It fit like a charm.

"Thank you so much Rose!"  I squealed as I gave her a tight hug.

"That's not it" She separated from me pointing back at the box.

I picked the box back up. I looked down to find a book sitting at the bottom. I picked it up.

Rodeo Love

Was the title. I smiled. Rose had been going on and on about this book. I guess she finally decided that I needed to read it. I smiled back at her.

"Thanks Rose. I mean it"

"What are sisters for" she gave a small strug.

"Alright my turn" Nick stepped beside me shoving a small box in my hands. I looked  over at him. He leaned down and gave my lips a little tease.

"Happy birthday girly" I slowly opened up the tiny little jewelry box.

I was almost afraid of what was in side of it. I finally just pulled the top open and  looked down inside of it. Inside I saw a horse hair braided bracelet that seemed big enough for me to wear. I looked over at him with a sweet little smile.

"It's Brandy's tail hair. Sorry but I thought it would be a nice gift for you so I kinda cut a strand of hair off your horse's tail" he gave me a crooked smile.

"I love it. Especially since its from you" I got up on my tippy toes and gave him a slow kiss.

"Happy birthday to me" I whispered to myself.

"Birthday girl gets thrown in the water trough up front" Kevin yelled as him and Nick grabbed my arms so I couldn't run away.

"What?!?" I screeched. The next thing I knew was I was being thrown over Nick's shoulder as he starts to take off at a run.

"Nick put me down you bastered" I started to pound on his back with my fist.

"Your going to drop me" I accuse.

"Nice butt April" Nick said before I felt a hand slap my ass.

I blushed wildly. Before I knew it though I was plopped down in a big three hindered gallon water trough. I spit out water as my head popped out of the water. I glared at Nick as I moved my hair away from my eyes. He was toppled over laughing at me.

"I hate you" I tried to pull myself out of the water trough.

"No you don't" he stood up with tears of laughter falling down his face.

"Do I look like a drowned rat or something that you laugh that hard at me" I asked as I whip a tear off his cheek.

"Yeah kinda" he smiled. I rolled my eyes. I spun him around so his back was facing the water trough. I gave him an evil smirk.

"What?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing..." I dragged out.

I few seconds later I shoved his shoulders as hard as I could throwing him off balance. His hard solid body fell into the water trough. Which I'm pretty sure half of the water just flue out of the trough. I started  to laugh as he looked over at me. He looked so funny. He was now as wet as me.

"You think that's funny?"  He asked. I nodded because I couldn't  breath.

He gave a small grunt as he pulled himself out of the water trough. I stopped laughing as he launched himself at me. I gave a small high pitch squeal before I took off. I felt his fingers glaze my sides but I took off just in time. I started to run back to the trailer. Which was completely on the other side of the field. I made it half way across the field before I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my stomach pulling me to a stop.

"Eee!!" I squealed as me and Nick toppled onto the grassy ground.

He rolled us over so he hit the ground and I fell on top of him. I looked down at Nick. Both of us were crying from laugher. Nick stopped laughing an  I noticed. I looked down at his piercing blue eyes that starred at back at me.

"Your so beautiful" he moved back a strand of my wet hair away from my face.

"Even when I look like a drowned rat covered in mud" I looked down at my clothes. Not only was I wet but I was also muddy from hitting the ground.

"Even when your a drowned rat covered in mud" he laughed out.

"Thank you" I went to get up be for his hands went on my back telling me to stop.

"Where you going?" he asked

"I'm gonna get up. We should probably head back to the trailer" I explained.

"Why? It's your birthday. We got all the time in the world" he said.

I laid my arms down on his chest. I set my chin on my arms looking up at his face. I sighed.

"I love you Nick" I whispered

"I love you too April" he kissed my forehead before I felt my eyes get heavier as I felt Nicks chest rise and fall under my body. I slowly closed my eyes.

"Sleep well" Nick whispered in my ear  as he rubbed my middle back with his thumb. I snuggled my head into his chest more before I fell into a peaceful sleep.

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