Chapter six Morning love

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I stirred awake as the sun started to warm up my legs in my booty shorts. I picked my head off of a hard surface. I looked down to see that I was sitting on Nick's lap who was sitting in a lawn chair. I smiled down at his peaceful sleeping face. His blond hair was every were while his eyes were shut keeping the sun out of them. One of his arms were draped around my waist. His right hand was on the back of my left thigh holding my legs up on his lap. I smiled as his touch started to send shivers though my body.

I looked around the little campsite we had made last night. Beside the chair me and Nick were sharing there were three empty bottles of beer scattered on the ground. I sighed. He was probably drunk when he got me to sit on him. He probably only wanted to hold me when he was drunk. I sighed. Boys were something I didn't need. I needed to remember that. I looked over at Rose and Kevin to see the other half of the six pack scattered around the chair they were sharing. Rose was nestled in Kevin's lap. They both seemed to have fallen asleep with a smile on their faces. I felt something move beneath me. The hand that rested on my thigh tighten as it pulled my legs more onto his lap. I looked at Nick with a small smile creeping up on my face.

"Morning" I spoke softly to him.

"Morning" he pulled me back to his chest. I laid my head down on his shoulder allowing my eyes to close. His head nestled closer to mine as I felt his breath on my forehead.

"How did you sleep?" I asked breaking the silence that made me think he had fallen back asleep.

"Alright with you on me" I could feel a smile on his face. I nestled further into his chest.

"Mmm" I moaned as I finally decided I should get up.

I felt Nick's arms tighten as his body went to stand up.

"Nick" I cried as he stood up holding me bridle style.

"Your fine" he chuckled as he carried me over to the truck tailgate and sat my butt down on the tailgate.

I brushed back my hair from my eyes. Nick had walked back to the chair and started to pick up the empty beer bottles. He walked back to me with the beer bottles in hands. He gently set them down next to me. A small smile crossed his face.

"Did you get drunk last night?" I asked breaking this weird starring contest.

"No. Why you ask?"  He set his hands on each side of me on the tailgate. I swallowed he was a few inches away from me as he leaned in to talk.

"Nothing" I looked over towards Rose and Kevin who were still sleeping. I felt his hand cup my chin making me look at him.

"No what is it?" he pushed.

"You pulled me into lap. It's something people would only do if their drunk. I mean look at me I'm not the best looking" I looked away.

"I wasn't drunk. Plus have you even seen your self? You have  the curves of an angel with long tan legs. Please every guy wants you on their lap. One of them is me" I blushed slightly at his words.

"You think?"  I questioned.

"Yeah.... that's kinda why I want you to be you know...." He trailed off.

I sucked in a breath waiting for him to finish. But the way this boy finishes isn't the way you expect. His lips crushed into mine. One of his hands held the back of my neck while the other one was still on the tailgate. He broke off leaving us both breathless.

"So??" I asked since he never finished.

"Ah it's nothing" he pulled away from the tailgate giving me some room to breath.

"Nick" I pressed

"April" he matched my tone.


"I would love it if you would give me the pleasure of being my girl" he looked down at the ground as his face started to turn a shade of light red.

I got up off the tailgate. I walked up in front of him trying to control all theses emotions that ran though my vains. I picked up his chin so he could see my face with my hand. I gave him a small smile. He gave me a timid smile.

"While I don't know Nick. I've only liked you since you punched Travis" I laughed.

"So is that a yes?"

"Yeah it's a yes" I squealed as he picked me up by my hips and swung me around.

"Well now that that's done we got to pack up for the next rodeo" he winked. I smiled back.

"Wrangler rodeo circuit here we come" I said be for I peeked him on his cheek and skipped over to the sleeping Rose.

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