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I drummed my fingers on my f-250 steering wheel. I looked up to the big house I was waiting in front of with my horse trailer. The big tan house with maron shutters belongs to my best friend Rose. Me and her had history that stretched way back to when we where just two five year old girls that wanted nothing more then a perfect life. Ever since we both put thumb tacks on the teacher's stool we've been the best partners in crime you'll ever see.  The sound of yelling echoed through the house and tumbled onto the yard. It sounded just like my house did when I told my parents I was leaving for the rodeo. I mean I'm 19 according to the law my parents have no control over me now. I heard Rose's dad scream a curse word at her causing me to cranked up Lady Antebellum hey bartender.

Rose's parents where a lot like mine. They were strict when it came to rules and boys. Both of our parents said they would pay for our horses and take us to shows if we never had a boyfriend as long as we where under their house hold. Long behold me and Rose are two single girls who are both virgins and haven't had our first kisses yet. But yet I'm hauling a horse trailer with two horses in it. The only mistake our parents made was teaching us to love the rodeo. Me and Rose's love for the sport so grand it made us devise up a plan to ride in it one day. And since our parents would never let their sweet, and innocent little girls play rodeo queen we decided that one day we would take charge for ourselves for once. Or it would just end up like me trying to watch both of our asses and keep both of us out of jail.

I spotted Rose running out of the house with two bags banging against her sides. He father and mother were hot on her trail though.

"GO, GO!" she yelled as she opened up the passenger door and threw her bags and her self in the truck.

I pulled away from the house as her father chased the truck down the street. My heart going out to him as I watched him fall onto his knees starring out at my truck. It wasn't like this would be he last time he would ever see his daughter. I planned on bring her home. I promise.

"Whoop we are free bitches" Rose threw up her arms and kicked up her feet. I laughed as she did a little jig in the front seat.

"Ok, ok calm down. Now buckle up would you?" I ordered as I looked out my review mirror. I could still see her mom on the front porch crying and her dad kneeing in the road. Both of them becoming mere specks the farther and farther I got away.

"Oh my God April. All the cowboys just yummm and what if... What if we meet the one" she burst out. I laughed at her. The one what was she crazy? Probably.

"Rose. It's the rodeo for God's sake. Yes there will be boys but to be honest we just need each other and our horses. Boys? Please they just break your heart and make you feel pain that only they can cause." I rolled my eyes before I continued "Me and your horse aren't going anywhere" I stated. I glanced over at her. She was glaring at me. Typical I thought.

"What?" I asked with a shrug of my shoulders.

"You" she pointed to me. "Let your heart be loved April. Your always blocking people out. Come on no parents, no rules, hot guys, horses. What could go wrong?" she gave me a you know I'm right look.

"We do have rules. You know like LAWS!"

"Now your acting like your mom" she accused.

"Am not" I tried to defend myself even though I knew it was a lost cause when it came to this girl.

"Yes you are. Lighten up. Losen up too while your at it" Rose folded her arms behind her head as she leaned back. A carefree smile lighting up her face.

Maybe she was right. I was being a little over dramatic I guess. This was suppose to be fun.

"So you bring your wallet?" I asked.

She dug though one of her bags before she found it. She held it up. Tossing it up in the air once for me to see it before it fell back down in to her hand. I nodded.

"So which state and which rodeo first?" she asked with her eyes lightening back up.

"I don't know you tell me" we both started to laugh.

"How about Texas?" She almost squealed.

"Why not? Hot Texas cowboys what could go wrong" I mocked her tone.

"Shut up" she laughed as she took out a road map.

"Texas baby here we come" we both yelled as I jumped onto the highway.

Texas is going to have a rude awakening when us two small town Michigan cowgirls hit the border line.

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