Chapter four Time to ride

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I jumped up onto Brandy. I was on deck meaning I was two girls away from going in the ring. My nervous were like a ten as I watched one girl exit. My breath was becoming shallow as I did the pattern in my head again. My stomach was tiring it's self in knots. I had barrel raced before but never at a rodeo circuit level. I mean I was competing with wicked fast girls. I was so oblivious to my surroundings that I didn't even notice the strong hand that rested on my upper thigh.

"April. Your gonna be fine" Nick's voice floated up to my ear. I turned to look down at him. I gave him a timid smile as I turned back to the ring when I heard my voice being called.

"Ladies and gentleman our last rider of the night Miss April and  her horse Brandy... Let's ride!" the man in the stand called.

I took in a breath as I encouraged brandy to move on up to the gate. The closer her feet got to the gate the harder and  faster my heart beat. My hands started  to sweat from my nerves. Brandy started to prance around as she feed off of my nervous energy.

"Get!!" I yelled a my heels collided with brandy's sides.

We turned for our first barrel. Making it a tight circle around the barrel. The second one was tight too but a little less then the  first. I kicked Brandy again as the third barrel came up. I turned her around sharply as my hair went flying across my face as we started  down the home stretch. My heels kicking brandy harder as we flew down the ring. I pulled her to a stop by the time the people in the stands became a blur. I hopped off of Brandy as I stood outside of the ring. My feet hit the hard ground. My knees threaten to buckle. Just as I was sure I was gonna faint the announcer came on.

"Ladies and gentleman. We have  our winners. With Time of 16 seconds April and Brandy chocolate bar" the announcer announced.

Did I hear that right?  Did I seriously just win? My head started  to fell heavy as my knees got ready to give away.

"Hey congrats"  Nicks hands gripped my elbows as he secured me from falling.

"Thanks" I smiled at him gently

"You rode good. You surly deserve this" he said as we started to walk away from the crowds.

"Thanks. You did pretty good yourself" I pulled brandy up to my side as we continued to make our way to my trailer.

"Thanks. You and Brandy are an amazing pair" he continued to complement me.

"Thanks" I looked down at the ground as my cheeks started to get red.

"Hey I got an idea. How about we celebrate tonight?" he asked. I looked up at him kinda confessed.

" I mean I won the bulls. Me and my buddy won the team roping, and now you won. I think we should celebrate" he smiled

"K night fall. My trailer" I called as I walked off from him. My trailer was a few yards away.

"See you then" he called back.

Sorry this chapter sucks. I had accidentally deleted the old version I had  of this chapter. it was amazing and just because my life sucks the best chapter I've ever written get a deleted. Bare with me though please.

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