Chapter 21 - Moving On

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**beginning part of the chapter is steamy so just be advised..***


"Hey Molly what's going on between you and lover boy?"

I spun around in my chair towards Morgan who was grinning while twirling with his pen around. I raised my eyebrow and smiled and said

"Let's just say, we're very close"

I said as I smirked and spun back around towards my desk. I heard a quiet laugh coming from Spencer's desk. I got up and walked towards him and sat next to his desk.

"Hello handsome"

I said winking at him. He smiles and looks up at me.

"Hey Molly..."

He said as he looks at me and winks towards to my office. I smile and walk away. I make my way up to my office as I slowly close the blinds, not drawing any attention towards it. I sit on top of my desk and wait for Spencer to come up. Shortly after I hear a knock on the door. I call for them to come in and there's Spencer. He smiles straight at me and slowly closes the door. I look up at his eyes slowly as he makes his way towards me. As soon as he's close enough I pull him in for a kiss, and he holds onto my waist as he deepens the kiss. He grips onto my waist as I push his body with my legs towards me. I put my arms around him as I pull him deeper into the kiss. I bite his lip as he pulls away for air.


I unbutton my burgundy blouse revealing my white lace pushup bra. He stares in awe, still clenching my waist and he tightens his grip even more as he pulls me onto his lips once more. He makes his way down my neck, slowly sucking on my neck. I let out a soft moan as he makes his way down my neck onto my collarbone.


He slowly comes up and meets my eyes. His hands let go of my waist and onto my neck, he slowly pushes me down onto the desk.

"Be mine."

I looked up into his eyes, he truly meant it as he awaited for my response. I nodded and pulled him into a kiss.

"I'll always be yours."


I lay next to Spencer on his shoulder on the couch as he sleeps. I snuggle up next to him as he slightly loosens his grip on me. I watch tv as he sleeps peacefully, I hear my phone ring and reach over to pick it up. I don't recognize the phone number. I throw my phone onto the couch and let it ring. I get a voicemail and I listen to it.

"Hey Molly. It's me Emily. We need to talk. I'll be at the park next to the lake at 2 o clock today. Hope to see you there."

My body immediately froze as soon as I heard her voice. I didn't know what to do, I looked at the time and it was 1. I looked back at a sleeping Spencer and I sighed.

I don't even know if I want to go talk to Emily. A part of wants to go see her but the other part wants to stay here where it's safe with Spencer. I was just anxiously wondering what Emily wanted to talk about. I mean what is there to talk about really, she died and she's back now. I've accepted it, everyone's accepted it and now moved on.. or have I? I don't know, if there's a part of me who wants to go see her maybe I'm not over it.

I slowly move away from Spencer's grip and I make my way to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and change into some jeans and a UCLA sweatshirt. I quickly do my makeup and come back to the living room to see Spencer still sleeping. He had to catch up on some paperwork last night, and he came home super late. I sighed and left a note on the counter top. I grabbed my shoulder bag and made my way to the park.

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