Molly B.

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      Molly B. Miller. The "B" in her name was rarely used, the "B" stood for Beatrice. Most people would just call her Molly B, and forget that the "B" wasn't her last initial.  I guess that's what made Molly B, Molly B. She stood out from everyone, she was what they called, a social butterfly. She rose from average to basically be a local hero in her hometown of Sacramento, California.

         She was anything but boring. She always helped out in local projects, ran numerous amounts of events in her high school years. She was captain of the color guard team, team youth leader of the local LGBTQ+ organization, was in mock trial, and an advocate for all. She aspired to help others, to make a change in her community however she could. She never judged or ridiculed anyone for their actions, always saw the best in people. I guess that's where it really went downhill.

           Molly B. was once a positive and bubbly person until her senior year. This event caused her plans, the ones she's been working all of her life to fall apart. It really took a toll on her well-being and her views on life for years to come. The people never really knew what happened, how could they. She never let anyone see that side of her, everyone wondered why she didn't go straight to university. Once graduating she took two years at the local community college to figure things out, she finished her general education, got her Associates Degree and then transferred into her dream school. The University of California of Los Angeles, where she majored in Psychology for her Bachelor's Degree. She then pursued to get her Masters in Social Work. She excelled in these courses, as making the world a better place one of her personality traits. It seemed that Molly B.'s life was back on track.

        She then bounced around, taking a job after a job never really finding her place. Her latest job is being a social worker in and around the Virginia area. Here's the thing about Molly B., she put up a certain image of herself up that she wants others to see but blocks out the image she sees. She puts that side of her deep down, and that affects her a whole lot. No one really knows what goes on in Molly B.'s life.  You would think that Molly. B was well put together like a puzzle. But she never really found her place, she was lost. She was that last piece of the puzzle that didn't quite fit anywhere. Now how did she land into the BAU sights? Was it meant to be or just a random coincidence? I talked strangely about the good qualities of Molly B, but what else is she hiding? What happened during her senior year of high school? What changed? How can someone so "put together" like Molly B. handle the stress of the BAU?

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