Chapter 16 - Another Day

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**inspo board** yeah another steamy chapter**

"Sunshine lollipops rainbows and everything that's wonderful when we're together.."

    I sang as I danced in the shower. Today was my first day back at work and I was feeling good. I got out and started to get dressed I put on some black ankle jeans with a burgundy turtleneck. I looked and posed in the mirror, I think I looked super cute. My hair had now grown and was at collarbone length, I decided to dye my hair before I came back. I dyed my bottom layer a platinum color and I left the top my natural layer.

     I know it's juvenile, but I felt like I needed a change. I really like it plus it's easy to cover up if I need to. I blow-dried my hair and curled the ends. I put on some light makeup and I put on some black strap on heels. I held onto my necklace as I stared at myself in the mirror. I don't wanna sound conceited so I'll stop now. I walked out of my room and grabbed my shoulder bag.

"Hey Sergio, how are you, buddy?"

   I said as I leaned down to pet the cat who had been brushing up against my leg. I picked him up and kissed the top of his head before settling him back down as he ran away behind the couch. I walked out of the car and was on my way.

    As I went up the elevator, I started thinking. They're expecting me to be all depressed and vulnerable but I don't feel any of those things. I don't want them to think I'm a horrible person for doing so, I'm used to it. I walked out of the elevator with my head held high, I walked into the headquarters and I immediately could feel everyone lookup immediately. I walked over to the team that had been gathered around Spencer.

"Hey everyone"

I said giving a small smile and waving to everyone. Penelope's eyes instantly lit up as she ran over to me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Oh my god, your back! Your hair!?"

She said as she was pulling strands forward to see the new hair. I laughed and she backed away excitedly.

"Hey new girl, nice hair!"

Morgan said as he came over and pulled me in for a side hug. I smiled and I walked over to Reid who was sitting while reading his book.

"Hey stranger"

I said as I messed up his hair while leaning on his desk. He looked up and smiled.

"Hey Molly B. Woah nice hair"

He shifted his position to face me, I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and smiled.

"Thanks, it was about time I had a change."

    He then let out a smile. I playfully hit him on the shoulder, which he winced in pain. Hotch called out for a meeting, I sighed and held out my hand for Spencer to take. He did and I pulled him up causing him to crash into me, I laughed and smiled.

"Come on Spence."

    He smiled and we walked toward the conference room. We were immediately sat down, and Garcia handed me a file while everyone else was briefed on the case. I sighed, it was gonna be a tough case and a long flight.
      We were all done with our case, and I was so tired. My eyes could not stay open during the flight back, it was so long. We figured out the unsub, he was killing college babysitters because it reminded him of his stepmom who apparently told his father to "lock him up". I had to go in with Hotch to try to control the situation and I felt terrible about talking bad about the mom. She did nothing wrong, he was a messed up kid. We luckily cracked him before anyone got hurt.

      I slowly opened my eyes after we hit some turbulence. I was leaning on the wall, I sighed and got up, and walked towards the coffee machine. As I passed by everyone, they were all asleep. I poured myself a cup not coffee until I felt hands grip my waist. I jumped, spilling coffee all over my turtleneck.

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