Chapter 13 - Away

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**This is 2/2 in the Vanhalla storyline. For those who know what's coming, I'm sorry I had to include this storyline somehow. Also to clear up, once Molly became the new communications liaison, JJ did step down to become a full-time profiler, but for the sake of my story, I had her take a few weeks of absence for the job she was offered**

Molly B.

"Hey, Molls. I gotta go, I'll see you at the BAU."

I slowly opened my eyes, and I saw Emily standing over me.

"Hey, where are you off too?"

I sat quickly sitting up and rubbing my eyes. She smiled and cupped my face.

"I want to look over the files and I didn't wanna wake you."

She leaned in and kissed my forehead before heading out. Hotch had told us about the shooting that happened last night, and Emily came home super tired. She apologized for bursting out but she was still acting super weird. I had to get up anyway, I had received a call from Garcia telling me she had found the author of the article. I quickly got ready and waited for Garcia to pick me up.

After an hour passed by we ended up at this local coffee cafe in D.C. . Me and Garcia sat down across the cafe waiting for this guy to show up. Once he did, we let him settle before we moved in.

"The Helmsman's Wife. I just finished it. It's so sad."

Garcia said as she started walking towards him. I shortly followed behind her.

"I just started it."

He said really annoyed.

"Oh! Sorry! It's a great read to that but, the end, the sad part, with the wife. Super tragic. You know!"

"I do now."

He said as he closed his book. Garcia sat down in front of him, and I pulled a chair from another table and set it next to him.

"Your Jeff, right?

I asked as I looked over at him. I began to analyze his body movements, he seemed uncomfortable. I wonder why. I'm kidding I know why.

"You are?"

"Penelope Garcia. Nice to see you. And this is Molly B. Miller."

She said as she shakes his hand, I just waved.

"I'm sorry I don't think I've met you two"

"Oh, we haven't. We're with the FBI!"

She said all cheery as she held onto her cup of coffee. He really seemed annoyed with us, I shot a look to Penelope and she smiled and said.

"Why did you pull that story?"

"You should know."

He quickly got up and started gathering his things.

"The FBI didn't tell you to pull it, did they?"

I quickly asked, he looked over at us and pointed his finger in the air.

"No, no, I'm not saying jack to either of you. You already ruined one ending for me."

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