Chapter 8 - Dinner

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*new inspiration board for the next 3 chapters**

Molly B.

      It's been about a month since I've become the new Communications Liason for the BAU. The whole month was training, I would go to work 8-6pm, I would physically train with a specialist there everyday. Even though I wouldn't be working like a field agent I had to be trained like one. I had to learn how to use a gun, and I received my certification by the department to be able to obtain one. The thought of a gun scared me but I knew it was necessary. I also had to increase my physical well-being, although that I didn't mind. I had gotten more slimmer all around, but my waist was more noticeable. I had also gotten more defined legs due to the amount of cardio I had to endure. I did media training every time JJ was available.

      They vauled their agent's mental and physical well-being and only wanted them at their best during a case. I understood that, but I went from a desk job to be able to shoot and outrun an unsub.   I had only worked one case since I got the job and it was a relatively small case. Other than that I ended up becoming roommates with Emily, it was her idea. I moved in only a week after realizing driving 2 hours every day wasn't ideal. We've been growing closer and closer everyday, and she basically became my best friend. I really didn't interact with the team outside of work, but that's only because they had cases back to back so it was tough setting up a time.

I woke up to the world being gloomy. I turned on my turn table which I had set up next to the window so I can open the curtains and see the stunning view of Emily's 3rd-floor apartment complex.  It was gonna be a cold day, I put on my glasses and walked to the living room where Emily was sitting on the couch with her cat Sergio in her arms.

"Hey sleepyhead. I was about to wake you"

She said smiling as she waved me over to sit next to her. She was watching some afternoon sitcom that was always on at 1 pm. Holy crap it's 1.

"Em! you let me sleep in way too late!"

I said gently punching her shoulder, she laughed and smiled as she let Sergio go and turned to face me. I was still hovering over the couch

"I know I know, I just wanted you to get enough energy! Rossi invited us over to dinner later tonight at 6pm."

She said turning off the tv while letting out a huge smile, her smile was so pretty. It can instantly light up my entire day, no doubt.

"Tonight? What's the occasion?"

I said as I sat next to her and leaned on her shoulder.

"He didn't specifically say what, but he said we should go casual but formal."

I looked up at her confused, she then laughed as she wrapped her arm around me.

"I don't really know what that means, but I guess something casual"

I then nodded and laughed. I finally got up and decided to cook some eggs for me and her. We sat on the couch eating our eggs while watching a movie.

"Em, how did I end up with such a great roommate like you?"

I said throwing a pillow at her face, she quickly turned and laughed.

"I am the best aren't I?"

She quickly threw the pillow back at me, we started throwing the pillow back and forth. Like little teenagers at a sleepover. We started hitting each other with the pillow until she fell on the floor. I started laughing and pointing and next thing you know she yanks my hand and I fall on top of her. We're both laughing still as I lay on top of her. Once we both stop, we realize our faces are inches apart from touching. We lay there, looking at each other not knowing what to do until the phone rang. I quickly got up and grabbed my phone and answered,

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