Chapter 9 - Back on the Case

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**inspiration board**
**"Minimal Loss" - Season 4, Episode 3**

Molly B.

"Just let us do the talking Reid."

I said as we stepped out of the car. We had been sent out to La Planta, Colorado with Child Protective Services after I had received a strange call suggesting there have been child molestation and underage marriages happening in this secret underground cult. We ended up at this ranch-like small town.

"Wow you to are just an old married couple"

I laughed and smiled at the older woman who had been driving and hearing our nagging the whole way here. Her name was Evelyn Algor.

"He wishes."

I said as I stuck my tongue out at him, he did the same. Boo. We then started to walk towards a small but grand white building, which we assumed was the church. The town seemed to be empty, there were no children around, no adults, nothing. I really doubted that it was empty due to the amount of trash lying around.

"You guys can't let them know your FBI agents. If they know the feds are here they won't cooperate with us. We need them to cooperate with us."

Algor said as she was straightening out her blazer. I nodded and looked up at Reid who was staring at the church, he was scanning the church. We were met up with a certain middle-aged man,

"Hello, my name is Benjamin Cyrus. You must be child protective services."

Algor extended her hand to shake hands. She then spoke before I and Reid could introduce ourselves.

"Hello, my name is Mrs. Algor. These are our Child Interview Experts, Dr. Spencer Reid, and Miss Miller."

I then extended my hand out to Cyrus so he can shake, and Spencer awkwardly waved. He then guided us through the white building, he took us to each classroom let us interview a couple of the children. He seemed friendly despite us coming for a visit after one of his members ratted the cult out. After I and Reid interviewed a couple of children, learning more about what went on here at the church, and what kind of leader Cyrus was. We were then met by one of the older girls, her name was Jessica Evanson, and her mother. She told us she was Cyrus's wife.

"How old are you, sweetheart?"

I asked jotting down her name, and any information she revealed.

"I'm 15."

I and Spencer then shot each other a look, we both knew what it meant. She kept explaining how she loved him and how it was an honor to bear his children.

"In the state of Colorado, parental consent is needed for any marriages under the age of 18."

He said as he looked at Jessica's mother, who was quiet for the most part.

"She consented."

I asked sitting as I sat down on a chair, she continued to answer in a defensive tone.

"He's a nice man. It's an honor to bear his children."

Okay wow. He's like in his late 30s and is married to a 15-year-old. How nice can he be?

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